The Bran+Luebbe range of on-line monitors are ideal for online water chemical and nutrient monitoring.The fully automatic operation, self checking and automatic recalibration make them ideal for automatic process control.
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Variations include a wide range of online chemical monitoring methods including: Photometric (Kolorimeter and Silikometer); Potentiometric (Ionometer, Ecometer); Volumetric analysis (Titrometer). Concentration ranges from micrograms to grams per litre.
Products available:
Total N & Total P
The PowerMon S is a multiparameter, continuous and online wastewater monitor that can be configured as a Total N Monitor, Total P Monitor, DOC Monitor and COD Monitor plus more.
Alkalinity Monitor
The PowerMon Titrometer can be configured as a continuous and online Alkalinity Monitor, Ammonium Monitor, Chloride Monitor or Fluoride Monitor.
Phosphate Analyser
The PowerMon Kolorimeter is the ideal Phosphate Monitor for continuous and online monitoring of phosphate in wastewater. This same monitor can also be configured as a Cyanide Monitor ideal for wastewater monitoring of cyanide concentrations.
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Variations include a wide range of online chemical monitoring methods including: Photometric (Kolorimeter and Silikometer); Potentiometric (Ionometer, Ecometer); Volumetric analysis (Titrometer). Concentration ranges from micrograms to grams per litre.
Products available:
Total N & Total P
The PowerMon S is a multiparameter, continuous and online wastewater monitor that can be configured as a Total N Monitor, Total P Monitor, DOC Monitor and COD Monitor plus more.
Alkalinity Monitor
The PowerMon Titrometer can be configured as a continuous and online Alkalinity Monitor, Ammonium Monitor, Chloride Monitor or Fluoride Monitor.
Phosphate Analyser
The PowerMon Kolorimeter is the ideal Phosphate Monitor for continuous and online monitoring of phosphate in wastewater. This same monitor can also be configured as a Cyanide Monitor ideal for wastewater monitoring of cyanide concentrations.