UPS System for the Envico High Speed Door ...
Often Rapid and Automated Doors rely on levers and ratchets as a form of manual activation in the event of power failure.
Often in such situations there can be some confusion and panic where a more expedient option is required, particularly when the door is the only entry and exit from the facility or area.
Envico Doors, in-conjunction with GE Digital Energy have developed an uninterrupted power supply system (UPS) for the Envico High Speed Door controller. This UPS system allows the door to continually operate automatically in the event of power failure giving the customer and user a reliable, easy to use safer alternative to common forms of manual activation.
The system works via a trickle charged battery back-up which provides alternative power supply to the door in the event of mains outage. This allows the door to operate as normal and continues to operate all activation triggers such as motion sensors, ground loops, remote controls and push buttons.
The continued normal activation of the door is vital in saving precious seconds that can be crucial in exiting a facility in an emergency situation.
To contact Albany Door Systems about UPS System for the Envico High Speed Door Controller use Get a quote.
Often Rapid and Automated Doors rely on levers and ratchets as a form of manual activation in the event of power failure.
Often in such situations there can be some confusion and panic where a more expedient option is required, particularly when the door is the only entry and exit from the facility or area.
Envico Doors, in-conjunction with GE Digital Energy have developed an uninterrupted power supply system (UPS) for the Envico High Speed Door controller. This UPS system allows the door to continually operate automatically in the event of power failure giving the customer and user a reliable, easy to use safer alternative to common forms of manual activation.
The system works via a trickle charged battery back-up which provides alternative power supply to the door in the event of mains outage. This allows the door to operate as normal and continues to operate all activation triggers such as motion sensors, ground loops, remote controls and push buttons.
The continued normal activation of the door is vital in saving precious seconds that can be crucial in exiting a facility in an emergency situation.
To contact Albany Door Systems about UPS System for the Envico High Speed Door Controller use Get a quote.
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