Power Saver | KiloWatt Master | XZR 1000+ ...
The XZR 1000+ includes our stage 2 capacitors designed specifically for next generation electric consumption such as home electric car charging stations. While allowing you to recycle excess amperage back to your distribution box and save.
Ideal for a monthly electric bill over $200/month.
To contact DWE Systems about Power Saver | KiloWatt Master | XZR 1000+ use Get a quote.
The XZR 1000+ includes our stage 2 capacitors designed specifically for next generation electric consumption such as home electric car charging stations. While allowing you to recycle excess amperage back to your distribution box and save.
Ideal for a monthly electric bill over $200/month.
To contact DWE Systems about Power Saver | KiloWatt Master | XZR 1000+ use Get a quote.
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