Naturally you know by now that King Edward potato bakers are leagues ahead in terms of efficiency, reliability and design but you might be looking for a versatile oven that says “potato baker” when you want it to whilst still delivering high performance and durability as a well designed commercial oven. The Bake King is all this, its drop down main oven door is both practical and aesthetically pleasing, allowing you full view of the illuminated interior whilst being easy to clean and operate. The display oven is also illuminated and can be viewed from both sides of the baker allowing it to be both back bar and counter top. It has a write-on, wipe-off menu board and its versatile design means it looks great in both traditional and modern settings.
To contact Meris Food Equipment about King Edward Food Ovens | Potato Oven | Bake King use Get a quote.
Naturally you know by now that King Edward potato bakers are leagues ahead in terms of efficiency, reliability and design but you might be looking for a versatile oven that says “potato baker” when you want it to whilst still delivering high performance and durability as a well designed commercial oven. The Bake King is all this, its drop down main oven door is both practical and aesthetically pleasing, allowing you full view of the illuminated interior whilst being easy to clean and operate. The display oven is also illuminated and can be viewed from both sides of the baker allowing it to be both back bar and counter top. It has a write-on, wipe-off menu board and its versatile design means it looks great in both traditional and modern settings.