AJAX EDM Broken Tap Removers

Portable light weight Electronic Discharge Machines for efficiently removing broken taps, bolts etc. without damaging the workpiece.

With the rapid development of automated equipment, high demand for products' precision and the extensive usage of difficult-to-cut materials in machining, tools broken into work pieces have heavily affected the defect rate of products. The common methods of removing broken taps and drills up until now have been smashing items by hand, screwing them out after welding, or even acid corrosion or flame cutting. These processes are not efficient and can damage the work pieces costing you time and money.

The AJAX EDM Broken Tap Removers can efficiently remove broken taps, drill, drift, screw, plug gauge, etc., without damage to the work piece. They are portable and can easily process broken taps etc on work pieces of any size, and are especially effective for large machine tools.

Functions and Features
1. Operates by the principle of spark erosion to remove broken tools, with no direct contact. Thus there is no external force to damage the work pieces.
2. Excellent Structure: It is convenient to carry due to small size and light weight, which is a particular advantage for large work pieces. The working head is separated from the machine and can be rotated in any direction, which is helpful for complex machining.
3. Portability: Light weight. Small size with a carry handle on the top of the power case.
4. Convenient Operation: The magnetic base can be placed on work pieces to allow easy processing.
5. Accurate Positioning: Work Head can be installed on desktop workbench or aluminum workbench, which is convenient for fast setting and precise positioning, and is suitable for batch processing.
6. Easy Maintenance: MCU Controller and Function Modularization are utilized to guarantee stable performance and easy maintenance.
7. Economical and Convenient: The working liquid is ordinary tap water. Power consumption is moderate.
8. Wide Processing Range: Broken taps and drills (conductive material) from 2mm and above.
9. Long Working Hours: An installed cooling fan ensures the ventilation, which keeps the machine working continuously.