The Belt under roller conveyors can be designed for “low pressure” accumulation or full “Zero Pressure” accumulation where it is desirable for each product on the line to be accumulated without any adjacent product imparting line pressure onto it.
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The “Zero Pressure” conveyor is built to provide many product zones that are controlled via sensors that detect products on the conveyor. Each zone acts independently of the adjacent zones on either side of it ensuring that only one product is stored in its respective zone on the conveyor.
Applications for this product
Boxes, Cartons, Totes
Freight Handling
Manufacturing & Assembly
Features of this product
Gravity & powered
Chain drive (including timing belt, micro groove V-belt and belt under roller)
steel, pvc, Polypropylene and Stainless Steel rollers
Standard modules available ex-stock
monitoring, sorting, tracking measuring and weighing equipment
control hardware and software
To contact Adept Conveyor Technologies about Adept Belt Under Roller Conveyors use Get a quote.
The “Zero Pressure” conveyor is built to provide many product zones that are controlled via sensors that detect products on the conveyor. Each zone acts independently of the adjacent zones on either side of it ensuring that only one product is stored in its respective zone on the conveyor.
Applications for this product
Boxes, Cartons, Totes
Freight Handling
Manufacturing & Assembly
Features of this product
Gravity & powered
Chain drive (including timing belt, micro groove V-belt and belt under roller)