Signs are are intended to provide regulated and controlled behaviours relating to dangers, hazards, emergency and notice information.
To be effective, it must be possible for everyone to clearly understand the messages and the potential consequences of failing to carry out or observe the given messages. For example: The failure to follow a danger sign could result in death or serious injury.
Safety Signs are a must for the safety of everyone in the workplace.
It should be noted that Safety signs do not replace the need for proper accident prevention measures and training.
Safety Signs are classified and shall be used according to their functions as follows:
(A) Regulatory signs - Signs containing instructions with which failure to comply constitutes either an offence at law, or a breach of standing orders, safety procedures or other directions, depending on which kind of control has been imposed at the work site or workplace.
Regulatory Signs are subdivided as follows:
(i) Prohibition signs - Signs that indicate that an action or activity is not permitted.
(ii) Mandatory signs - Signs that indicate that an instruction must be carried out.
(iii) Limitation or restriction signs - Signs that place a numerical or other defined limit on an activity or use of a facility. (See AS 1742.1)
(B) Hazard signs - Signs advising of hazards. They are subdivided as follows:
(i) DANGER signs - Signs warning of a particular hazard or hazardous condition that is likely to be life-threatening.
(ii) Warning signs - Signs warning of a hazard or hazardous condition that is not likely to be life-threatening.
NOTE: The term caution used in earlier editions of this Standard has now been replaced by the term warning. The two terms are regarded as being interchangeable.
(C) Emergency information signs - Signs indicating the location of, or directions to, emergency related facilities such as exits, safety equipment or first aid facilities. (See AS 2293.1 for additional information for use inside buildings.
(D) Fire signs - Signs advising the location of fire alarms and fire-fighting facilities.
Sign shape, text and colours explained
Danger signs communicate a hazard, condition or situation that is likely to be life threatening. The sign is shown as the word Danger on a red oval over a black rectangle. Text is black on a white background.
Warning Signs. (Previously Caution Signs) warn of hazards or conditions that are not likely life threatening. These signs consist of a black triangle and icon on a yellow background with supporting black text if required.
Mandatory signs provide specific instructions that MUST be carried out. The pictograms or icons are in white reversed out of a blue circle. Text is black on a white background.
Prohibition signs indicate an action or behavior that is not peritted. The sign is shown as a Red Circle with a red slask over a black pictogram of the action. Text is black on a white background.
Emergency signs are used to show the locations or irections to facilities such as First Aid, Emergeny Exits and other safety equipment. These signs use a green background with white symbols and texts.
Fire signs inform of fire prevention directions and location of fire equipment. These signs are shown as white symbols and text on a red background.