The Importance of System Maintenance

Every 12 months, we revisit our installed lightning protection sites to inspect and recertify the system.

LDU design all our lightning protection systems (LPS) to capture the lightning and offer a safe efficient path to Earth during a lightning event. Our goal is to install a safe conductive path; avoiding equipment damage at your facility with the inclusion of appropriate surge protection. We use a number of industry leading methods, technology and equipment for lightning protection for your facility. Incorporated into our systems are:

  • Lightning Protection Systems for direct strike conditions
  • Lightning protectors
  • Surge protectors
  • Lightning conductors
  • Earthing equipment
  • Uninterrupted power supply equipment
  • Power conditioners

By installing our systems and equipment, you will benefit from:

  • A certified system complying with all appropriate regulations and standards
  • Improved safety for personnel
  • Surge protection from lightning strikes
  • Reduction in costly repairs
  • No facility service down time
  • Less complaints from your customers

Our work is to ensure your facility equipment will continue to operate during thunderstorms with a constant uninterrupted power supply.



All of this is for nothing if you do not maintain your various systems. LDU offer a comprehensive preventative maintenance system for all of the above starting with an annual inspection of your system. Resulting from the inspection will be a report which identified any issues which need to be rectified so that we can certify the system. If no issues are identified then certification will occur and be included in our report. Unlike many of our competitors, LDU will supply a comprehensive report and not a single sheet with tick boxes. By using LDU to inspect your system you can be confident that you have a very good summary of the condition of your system.


LDU Services

The LDU Services team are dedicated to professional system audits, inspection and maintenance services. Available services are:

  • Existing System Inspection and Audit
  • Inspection to determine if your building has or requires a lightning protection system
  • Inspection of existing lightning protection system
  • Risk Assessment to determine if your new or existing building requires lightning protection
  • Inspection and testing of your earth system
  • Earth Test Reports


Remember, all of the above come with a comprehensive high quality report detailing any issues your system may have and includes test results of the earth system, system continuity etc. It also includes a copy of the current calibration certificate of all test equipment used.

LDU follow the following steps to ensure you have received everything you should receive when commissioning an inspection and report.


Step 1 - Site Surveys

Evaluating the effectiveness of lighting protection is quite difficult. This is why site surveys are important. Our team will:

  • Inspect your system using visual. mechanical and electrical testing techniques
  • Measure the effectiveness of current lightning protectors
  • Test site soil for earth impedance
  • Assessment of the facilities earthing equipment
  • Audit interruptible power supplies or power conditioners


Step 2 - Data Collection and Analysis

After our site visit we collate and analyse all of the data. The data comes from:

  • Site testing
  • Geographical statistics of your facilities location
  • Observation of lightning activity in the region

We provide you with a complete report and recommendations on your facility. Depending on facility, location and current systems in place, the report may contain:

  • Vulnerability level of your facility
  • Recommendations on improving your current system
  • Lists of lightning conductor or earthing equipment needed
  • Budgeting for the best LDU lightning protector system


Step 3 - Complete the Report

From our site inspections and consultation our technical team will provide you with a detailed report which will include. We will include in the design detailed information on:

  • If a system is installed and if your building requires a lightning protection system
  • If a system is installed, the type and condition of the system.
  • Any parts of the system which do not comply with any standard, or has severe corrosion or is damages.
  • Types of equipment (earthing equipment, power conditioners, surge protectors)
  • The cost of repairing the system
  • Test reports and system recertification.

Contact our LDU team for more information on our surge protectors, UPS and lightning conductors.


Step 4 - Maintenance repairs of your system

Your system will be repaired by our highly qualified LDU services team with minimal disruption to your services. We use only the highest quality materials. Our team have a combined experience of over 40 years in the installation of lightning protection technology. They have industry qualifications for:

  • Working at height
  • OH & S compliance
  • Installing systems complying with Australian standards/ international standards


Maintaining Your System

After you have had a system installed, we advise making a shrewd decision on a regular, cost effective preventative maintenance plan.

We find that over a period of time electrical components in any electronic devices can become less efficient and over time possibly fail. Our LDU team can make regular 12 month inspections so your system stays at an optimum efficiency and reliability. Contact our friendly, reliable LDU team about our competitive priced maintenance plans.