Steady and Sustainable: How STG Global can Help Mining Executives Overcome Challenges in the Coming Year

Steady and Sustainable: How STG Global can Help Mining Executives Overcome Challenges in the Coming Year

Supply chain disruption and sustainability are seen as the two highest-ranked risk factors for mining executives in 2022 and 2023.

Earlier this year, KPMG published their Australian Mining Risk Forecast for 2022/23. The forecast is based on a survey that asked Australian mining executives which risk factors ranked highest in their minds. And although the Covid-19 pandemic may well be disappearing from the minds of executives, the residual effects of the pandemic have left an indelible mark on the mining industry, particularly in two key areas: uncertainty around supply chain management and sustainability.

The Certainty of Uncertainty

The one thing you can be certain about is that nothing is for certain. And that is especially true when it comes to supply chain management in these uncertain times.

Although the KPMG survey found that mining execs consider that the industry is “on the brink of abundant opportunity,” it also found that concerns about geopolitical tensions, environmental issues, volatility in commodity prices, and political instability were key risk components in their short- to medium-term outlooks.

Taking stock of your company’s place in the world

If you work in the mining industry, you may be thinking how you can take steps to mitigate against risk factors that are often driven by this global uncertainty and the challenges produced by political and environmental volatility.

At STG Global, we have spent decades designing and manufacturing our trucks with the aim of alleviating the pressures facing the mining industry in the two key risk areas previously mentioned. We believe that the more reliable and durable our products and services are, the easier it is for our clients to reduce their exposure to these risks

Make your fleet more sustainable and minimise supply chain downtime

With economic risk factors slipping down the rankings with mining executives, and environmental and supply chain risks rising, this is the perfect time to begin investing money in your fleet and to begin reaping the potential long term rewards.

By upgrading your fleet with new machines that will go the distance and require less maintenance, you can insulate your company’s operations from the effects of supply chain disruptions. And when it comes to sustainability, new machinery will operate much more cleanly and need less input of spare parts, thus saving you money and helping to minimize your carbon footprint previously mentioned. We believe that the more reliable and durable our products and services are, the easier it is for our clients to reduce their exposure to these risks.

Supply Chain Risks are On-going

Many of our clients experienced supply chain disruptions during the Covid-19 pandemic. These disruptions (some of which are still on-going) made it incredibly difficult for companies to purchase new trucks or even obtain parts for servicing their existing fleet. 

STG believes that our policy of keeping our trucks designed and manufactured here in Australia enables us to build and service our full range of trucks quickly and with limited interruption. We also employ a system of manufacturing which gives us the shortest lead time in Australia, and so we often have trucks in stock and ready to use.

Cleaner and greener

The environment and sustainability continue to be of paramount concern for the mining industry. So it makes sense that the specialist trucks STG manufactures are built with quality and durability in mind. Not only does this reduce your long-term costs, but it also prevents overuse of resources and reduces waste. Enhancing the reliability of your fleet will not only provide benefits to yourself, but also the overall economy.

Sustainability Makes Good Sense

For STG Global, innovation is the key to achieving the sustainability now being looked for the world over by governments, NGOs and the wider population. STG are pioneers in the fields of new and creative design and manufacturing techniques. This not only makes our trucks more durable, but it also produces a more adaptable product.

We have picked the following key innovations to demonstrate how you are getting the best quality product:

Hot Dip Galvanized Tanks

STG are the only company in Australia offering fully hot dipped galvanized steel tanks across our range. This process not only strengthens our tanks, but means they also require less maintenance and remain corrosion-free long after the chassis has succumbed to rust. We have many clients who have benefited from our two chassis tanks which continue to outperform any of our competitors.

Amerlock 400 paint systems

If you have been wondering how you can improve the longevity of your truck chassis to match that of your tank, STG has the perfect solution. As an added option, we offer an Amerlock 400 paint protection package which can increase the lifetime of your chassis by as much as five years. Used as the industry standard with multiple applications, its ability to improve durability is both an economical and environmental benefit.

Spray heads 

We have spent decades designing our spray heads so that they give operators as much control over their spray pattern as possible. Not only can you control the spray pattern, but our spray heads allow operators to be more conservative in their water consumption. Less water consumption means you are not only conserving a precious resource, but you are also using less fuel as trucks can last longer on site with fewer refills.

Steel Tank Baffles

Our steel tanks are also engineered to include both longitudinal and latitudinal baffles, which reduce destabilizing water movement whilst also strengthening the tanks. This reduces the chance of accidents and lessens potential damage being caused to your truck. Fewer accidents or damage means less maintenance and fewer repairs, once again conserving valuable resources and reducing any potential downtime of the truck, thus maximizing its economic output.

Modular design and build

With safety and repairs in mind, it’s important that our trucks are designed to be easily maintained and repaired. Therefore, all our trucks follow a modular design which means that fully functional parts, such as the tank, can be easily repurposed or replaced with minimal downtime, fewer costs and less waste.

Final Thoughts on Supply and Sustainability

With existential threats climbing up the rankings for forecasted industry risks, it may be difficult to decide the best method for mitigating against the dangers facing the mining industry. By partnering with STG Global, you can pass the problem on to us. You can trust us to design and engineer innovative solutions to tackle the problems of a fragile supply chain, environmental regulation and the drive towards more sustainable practices.