The Rain101A is a data logging system to measure and record rainfall. The MadgeTech Rain101A can record up to 6 in. of rainfall every hour and 131 in. of rainfall total.
The Rain101A Includes:
(1) Event101A: Event Data Logger
(1) Tipping-Bucket Rain Gauge
(1) 50 ft. Cable
(1) Waterproof Enclosure
(1) IFC200: Interface Cable
(1) MadgeTech 4 Software Package
The Rain101A only records to memory when rainfall is present, maximizing the amount of time the system can record. The Rain101A features a 10-year battery life and a 4 Hz reading rate with a storage capacity of up to 825,753 readings.
Data from the logger is retrieved using the IFC200 Data Logger Interface to download the data to the MadgeTech 4 Software. The software can “totalize” the rain bucket tips, allowing easy viewing of the accumulated rainfall over time. Graphical, tabular, and summary data is provided for analysis and can be viewed as customizable engineering units.
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The Rain101A Includes:
(1) Event101A: Event Data Logger
(1) Tipping-Bucket Rain Gauge
(1) 50 ft. Cable
(1) Waterproof Enclosure
(1) IFC200: Interface Cable
(1) MadgeTech 4 Software Package
The Rain101A only records to memory when rainfall is present, maximizing the amount of time the system can record. The Rain101A features a 10-year battery life and a 4 Hz reading rate with a storage capacity of up to 825,753 readings.
Data from the logger is retrieved using the IFC200 Data Logger Interface to download the data to the MadgeTech 4 Software. The software can “totalize” the rain bucket tips, allowing easy viewing of the accumulated rainfall over time. Graphical, tabular, and summary data is provided for analysis and can be viewed as customizable engineering units.
Customers: Pfizer, CSIRO, ANSTO, Rio Tinto, In-Vitro, Device Technologies, Australian Universities
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Pfizer, CSIRO, ANSTO, Rio Tinto, In-Vitro, Device Technologies, Australian Universities