Food & Beverage Equipment Hygiene Service ...

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Jaymak Australia

Jaymak AustraliaFood & Beverage Equipment Hygiene Service

Food & Beverage Equipment Hygiene Service


Adelaide, SA

Jaymak Australia is a National Company which has been providing a professional and accredited service in the field of commercial equipment hygiene since 1998.Infection control, HVAC cleaning and Food Safety Management are specialised fields that we currently provide service programs in over 6,000 ...View more

Jaymak Australia is a National Company which has been providing a professional and accredited service in the field of commercial equipment hygiene since 1998.

Infection control, HVAC cleaning and Food Safety Management are specialised fields that we currently provide service programs in over 6,000 venues around Australia.

Whilst we have extensive experience in coolroom cleaning and mould remediation we also specialise in a range of other services such as air-conditioning, fridges, air handling units, dishwashers, ice machines, cold display units, plant rooms, full kitchen cleans and much more.

Call us today to see how we can assist you with an effective, certified and professional food safety management system.

You can rest assure that not only will your equipment run more efficiently and also providing long term asset protection and cost savings.

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Request A Free Equipment Health Check

Our Free Health Check will identify the efficiency of your specific equipment and establish your hygiene requirements. Simply fill in your details and we will be in contact with you soon.

Why Jaymak is a better choice!

Low Set-Up Cost,High Margin,Limited Competition,Niche Market,Huge Potential / Low Risk,Very Low Franchise Free,National Exposure,Home Based,Unlimited Lead Generation,Multiple Territory Ownership,Flexible Hours,Proven Franchise

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