Discover the analytical applications of fluid mechanics in situations in which fluids can be treated as a continuous media, with the Hampden Hydraulic Demonstration Channel H-6531 trainer. Supplied by Bestech Australia.
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The laws investigated through the use of this machine are; conservation of mass, continuity, energy and momentum. The laws observed through use of the H-6531 can be simplified to help students understand and describe the quantitative behaviour of the in the investigated fluid.
The Hydraulic Demonstration Channel H-6531 from Bestech Australia is a self-contained, mobile and designed for easier student and instructor use. The instructor will be able to control all flow variables including the slope adjustment, movable tailgate, adjustable head tank, undershot gate and flow control.
The experiments included with the Hydraulic Demonstration Channel H-6531 are as follows:
Using the Straight Channel
Using the Pitot Tube
Using the Hook and Point Gauge
Using the Pipe Flow Set
Using the V-Notch Weir
Using the Broad Crest Weir
Using the Spillway Section
Using the Sudden Contraction/Expansion
Using the Venturi
Using the Flow Nozzle Pipe
Using the Reynolds Experiment
The Hydraulic Demonstration Channel H-6531 is available in Australia and New Zealand from Bestech Australia Pty Ltd. Please contact for more information.
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The laws investigated through the use of this machine are; conservation of mass, continuity, energy and momentum. The laws observed through use of the H-6531 can be simplified to help students understand and describe the quantitative behaviour of the in the investigated fluid.
The Hydraulic Demonstration Channel H-6531 from Bestech Australia is a self-contained, mobile and designed for easier student and instructor use. The instructor will be able to control all flow variables including the slope adjustment, movable tailgate, adjustable head tank, undershot gate and flow control.
The experiments included with the Hydraulic Demonstration Channel H-6531 are as follows:
Using the Straight Channel
Using the Pitot Tube
Using the Hook and Point Gauge
Using the Pipe Flow Set
Using the V-Notch Weir
Using the Broad Crest Weir
Using the Spillway Section
Using the Sudden Contraction/Expansion
Using the Venturi
Using the Flow Nozzle Pipe
Using the Reynolds Experiment
The Hydraulic Demonstration Channel H-6531 is available in Australia and New Zealand from Bestech Australia Pty Ltd. Please contact for more information.
Customers: Auto/Transport, Defence,Water/Wastewater, Research
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Auto/Transport, Defence,Water/Wastewater, Research