The Carman Drawdown Hopper is designed for all types of outdoor storage piles.
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The Carman Drawdown Hopper is designed for all types of outdoor storage piles. The dischargers Projection Ring transmits vibrations throughout the pile, encouraging slough-in and eliminates outdoor stockpile storage and reclaim problems including coring, bridging, and minimal active reclaim. Wet and frozen materials such as coal, potash, salt and aggregate come to life and flow from outside storage reclaim piles.
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The Carman Drawdown Hopper is designed for all types of outdoor storage piles. The dischargers Projection Ring transmits vibrations throughout the pile, encouraging slough-in and eliminates outdoor stockpile storage and reclaim problems including coring, bridging, and minimal active reclaim. Wet and frozen materials such as coal, potash, salt and aggregate come to life and flow from outside storage reclaim piles.
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