How pressure sensors and transmitters are used in the water treatment industry

Water treatment plants generally consist of sewage treatment systems, drinking water treatment systems and a constantly pressurised water supply system.

Pressure sensors, transmitters and other instruments are key to making sure these systems run efficiently and safely. 

Nowadays, all water treatment plants use multilevel distributed computer measurement and control systems to manage operations. 

Automatic control systems (or IoT control systems) normally consist of industrial computers, programmable controllers and  automatically controlled instruments. 

Data is continually measured and balanced in these systems using instruments based on pre-set values. This is to ensure the optimal performance of machines and equipment.

There are two different types of instruments used in water treatment plants to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operations process. 

One type is used for measuring physical data of related elements such as temperature, pressure, liquid level, flow, etc. These instruments are mainly sensors and transmitters. 

Pressure sensors are commonly used on the top or side of tanks. Changing air pressure in the tank indicates more water has been added. The sensors are also used to gauge the pressure from pipes where water is flowing. 

The other type of instrument is used to test, analyse and control water quality. 

Reliability and accuracy of the pressure sensors and transmitters is very important, and choosing the most suitable brand and products can be a challenge for decision makers. 

ZHYQ adopts high quality materials and advanced technologies to make their products. 

The company’s pressure sensors and transmitters are well known as being reliable, and ZHYQ can help managers and decision makers improve productivity with high standard quality products.