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"With technological advances and globalisation the world of work is rapidly changing and it is making Australian workers uneasy."
"With technological advances and globalisation the world of work is rapidly changing and it is making Australian workers uneasy."

Half of Australian workers worry about their work, a survey by the Centre for Workplace Leadership at the University of Melbourne has found.

The survey of over 1000 Australian workers, from across industry sectors, reveals that 49 per cent of Australia's workers fret about what the future holds for them at work.

Executive and middle managers are the most fearful compared to non-managerial employees.

The survey also found that it is not until Australian workers reach the age of 55 that they become less anxious about their work. Only 35 per cent of workers aged over 55 worried about their work while over half of workers aged under 55 agonised over their future at work.

"Australians are deeply worried about their future at work," says Centre for Workplace Leadership Director Professor Peter Gahan.

"With technological advances and globalisation the world of work is rapidly changing and it is making Australian workers uneasy."

Despite a concern for the future the survey also revealed 79 per cent of Australians are open to change in their workplace to improve productivity.

Better leadership and new technology were the two key areas that Australian workers identified to increase productivity, with government workers in particular highlighting more effective leadership and management as a change that would most likely increase productivity.

"Aussie workers are willing to change and are open to learning but they are clearly calling out for leadership in the workplace that motivates and inspires them and for greater use of technology that makes it easier to do their job," says Professor Gahan.

The Future of Work is the central focus of the Centre for Workplace Leadership's upcoming conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on the 9-10 April. It will feature over 40 leading international and national speakers and a key note address by Guy Kawasaki on the 10 lessons Steve Jobs taught him at Apple.

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