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Information published on our websites originates from such authorised providers as AAP, Reuters, and government and industry bodies.

Our advertisers utilise Storefronts as a media release distribution service. They are provided access to add them directly into our system using an online submission area. Advertiser media releases go through our standard editorial process to determine what level of published exposure they will receive.

Editorial Process

Storefronts are an information-based advertising medium. The more effort you put into publishing information, the more results you will achieved.

Content Items
In your Storefront you have the ability to publish four distinct types of information:
1. Product Reviews
2. News Releases
3. Feature Articles (also known as Case Studies)
4. Events (Seminars, Exhibitions, Conferences)

Storefront owners have the ability to publish a designated number of these content items depending on the Storefront package they have:
1. Standard Storefront – 40 items
2. Premium Storefront – 80 items
3. Sitepartner Storefront – 160 items

Content Management

Storefront content is added using your Storefront Management Area (username & password provided). When content is added, our editors are automatically notified and the information is reviewed and/or amended to display in the Storefront within 2 business days.

Content Exposure

Depending on the type of content submitted, our editors process it in the following ways:

1. Product Reviews are:
- Published and viewable permanently in your Storefront
- Published and featured once in our DailyNewsWire
- Published and featured for 1-3 days on relevant Directory

* Additional product exposure can be purchased with Hot Product Advertising.
* When renewing a Storefront, product reviews are again featured in the DailyNewsWire & relevant Directory.

2. News releases, feature articles and events are:
- Published and viewable permanently in your Storefront, and
- Enter an editorial screening process for publishing in the DailyNewsWire and relevant Directory. Considerations include:
  - Interest and relevance to our audience
  - Quality of writing (not overly promotion or lack credible evidence)

We aim to achieve as much content exposure for our advertisers as possible, while at the same time maintaining good editorial standards.

Content Suggestions

Here are some suggested content management strategies which are proving successful for high performing Storefronts:

Product Reviews
- Ensure your entire range of products and services are displayed in your Storefront.
- Each time a new product is added to your range, include it in your Storefront.
- Create Product Directory in your Storefront.
- Include a picture for each product.
- Group similar products into one product review to maximise content capacity.

Style Guidelines
- Make sure details are to the point and succinct.
- Outline why this product is so unique and different.
- Consider presentation, punctuation and grammar.

News Releases
- Each time something relevant and interesting happens write and publish a news release. Examples could include:
  - Awards and recognition received.
  - Mergers and acquisitions.
  - New capabilities, production or distribution processes.
  - New management, staff or new partnerships.
  - Acquisition of new customers.

Style Guidelines
- Make sure it is as factual as possible.
- Use the first paragraph to catch the reader’s attention and sum up why this news is important.
- Aim to make each paragraph similar in length.
- Avoid repetition and think about the flow – allow the facts to unfold smoothly.
- Be concise and read it over a few times to make sure it gets the point across.

Feature Articles (Case Studies)

Feature Articles (also referred to as Case Studies) differ from News in that they are a more in-depth discussion about a particular subject. They can include detailed information about successful projects, methodologies, case studies or other useful information which could inform, educate and influence buyers.

If you page through a trade magazine you will easily be able to see the difference between news articles and feature articles. The same distinction is true in your Storefront.

If you have written and published feature articles in the past (perhaps for magazines), republish them in your Storefront. Examples include:
- In-depth analysis on processes and methodologies.
- In-depth analysis of a customer implementation.
- How your solutions or products address customer requirements.

Style Guidelines
- Allow your imagination and creativity to flow with feature articles.
- Take time to really express why a certain area of your company is so important.
- Try to include unique insights and quotes to back up your points.
- Include pictures or other visuals to illustrate points.
- Read over carefully and make sure you have elaborated adequately where necessary.

Feature Articles are also considered by our editors for public exposure

Storefronts are more than just advertising; they are a media release distribution service. To generate the best results you should continually develop and publish good quality information.

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