Business welcomes NSW Govt's commitment to cut red tape

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NSW’s leading business organisation, NSW Business Chamber has welcomed the NSW Government’s response to the Jobs Summit and its commitment to cut red tape on businesses by $500 million by June 2011.

The Chamber has also welcomed the commitment to set targets and regularly publish reports on cutting red tape.

The NSW Government’s commitment to reduce red tape supports a six point plan NSW Business Chamber released in the lead up to the Jobs Summit in February.

“Businesses in NSW are doing it tough and any steps to stop them from being buried in red tape is a step in the right direction and is warmly welcomed,” said Kevin MacDonald, CEO of NSW Business Chamber.

“Red tape stifles competition, innovation, productivity and employment the very things business should be concentrating on during an economic downturn.”

“We were concerned that the business community’s burden with red tape was falling on deaf ears but clearly the government has been listening and is prepared to act.

“NSW Business Chamber has been arguing for the need to set binding targets to cut the red tape burden on business owners. The government’s target of cutting red tape by $500 million by June 2011 is the right course of action.”

MacDonald said that there was further opportunity for additional savings in excess of $500 million considering that Victoria has a target of $700 million by 2016. Nonetheless the Premier has sent a strong clear signal that the government is committed to ongoing cost savings for business.

NSW Business Chamber further welcomed making red tape reduction a condition of agency CEOs’ performance contracts.

“We would like to see the Minister for Regulatory Reform be given the ultimate responsibility for delivering this program of measurable targets to cut business costs.” MacDonald concluded.

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