Laboratory Equipment & Instruments Feature Articles

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Battery Packs: As Strong as the Weakest Cell
Regular concentration checks on battery electrolytes guarantee a safety net in case of power outages. DMA 35 Ampere performs density checks on battery acid in less than a minute!
Know the difference between red laser and blue laser technology
Blue laser sensors are more accurate, however, are more expensive than red laser sensor for measuring displacement. Here are three things to consider when selecting between red or ...
Use MadgeTech Data Loggers to monitor and validate Steam Sterilization, Dry Heat Sterilization, Ethylene Oxide Sterilization (ETO/EO), Lyophilization, Vaccine Monitoring, Cryopreservation ...
Data loggers 101  5/20/2021
Data loggers 101
Data loggers are small electronic devices used to measure and monitor environmental conditions and parameters.
Vaccine Temperature Monitoring Solutions
The MadgeTech Vaccine Temperature Monitoring System (VTMS) and VFC2000 are the most complete, user-friendly solutions on the market to monitor vaccine storage temperatures in real-time. ...
High speed door solution for Cleanrooms
The requirement for reliable specialised high speed doors for clean room applications, such as pharmaceutical, medicine, and biotech manufacturing industries is increasing. DMF has ...
Resistance Temperature Detectors
Resistance Temperature Detectors, also known as RTDs and resistance thermometers, are temperature-sensing devices that change resistance at a predetermined rate in response to changes ...
OE750 satisfies our most important requirement – absolute technical accuracy
As a satisfied long-term customer, Toan Thang Casting Co Ltd decided for an upgrade to take advantage of more recent technological developments in the Hitachi range.
Right method right place: Which metals analysis method is best at each stage of EAF steel manufacture?
In this article, Wilhelm Sanders, Product Business Development Manager OES at Hitachi High-Tech, explains which metals analysis technique is best at different points during the EAF ...
The importance of incoming material analysis during and post-COVID 19
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has disrupted our daily lives on a scale not seen for decades.
TP Series Temperature Calibrator range produces all the requirements necessary for accurate laboratory or onsite calibrations
Temperature sensors are subject to mechanical, thermal and chemical stress. The portable SIKA TP Calibrators provide various accurate and dependable units that cover a wide temperature ...
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