Test & Measurement Feature Articles

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3 ways to improve motor health with vibration testing
It’s essential that maintenance teams focus on failure modes to match the most suitable tool to the most likely problems.
14 ways hidden air leaks wreak havoc on equipment
Beyond performance issues and reduced energy efficiency, the damage caused by unnoticed gas or compressed air leaks can be substantial.
ROI on industrial energy efficiency cost savings
Wade Thompson is a Fluke power quality specialist who formerly worked for both RPM and BMI. He specializes in troubleshooting power quality problems at data centers, large embedded ...
13 common causes of motor failure
13 common causes of motor failure
What are temperature sensors used for?
Temperature sensors are employed for a broad variety of practical purposes across many industries throughout the world.
Resistance Temperature Detectors
Resistance Temperature Detectors, also known as RTDs and resistance thermometers, are temperature-sensing devices that change resistance at a predetermined rate in response to changes ...
What is the difference between a RTD and a pt100?
There is no difference a PT100 is a version of a RTD (resistance temperature detector).
Why should I use a thermocouple with a transmitter?
Why should I use a thermocouple with a transmitter?
What is a Load Cell ?  10/23/2020
What is a Load Cell ?
Except for certain laboratories where precision mechanical balances are still used, strain gauge load cells dominate the weighing industry.
Load Cell Applications and Uses
Load cells are an essential portion of many machines, used for measuring weight, load, and tension. This technology has been refined to be as precise as possible.
How a Temperature Transmitter Works
A temperature transmitter combines a temperature sensor – RTD or Thermocouple and a transmitter in the same instrument.
What is a Refractometer?
A refractometer is a simple instrument used for measuring concentrations of aqueous solutions. It requires only a few drops of liquid, and is used throughout the food, agricultural, chemical, ...
Pressure Transmitters Interesting Uses
Pressure transmitters are used to measure the pressure of liquids, fluids, and gases in the process industry.
How you can achieve an optimum production setup with your homogenizer? Here are five tips to avoid the most common mistakes.
In this post, we’ll focus on the extrusion process.
OE750 satisfies our most important requirement – absolute technical accuracy
As a satisfied long-term customer, Toan Thang Casting Co Ltd decided for an upgrade to take advantage of more recent technological developments in the Hitachi range.
Right method right place: Which metals analysis method is best at each stage of EAF steel manufacture?
In this article, Wilhelm Sanders, Product Business Development Manager OES at Hitachi High-Tech, explains which metals analysis technique is best at different points during the EAF ...
The importance of incoming material analysis during and post-COVID 19
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has disrupted our daily lives on a scale not seen for decades.
Understanding Cooled vs Uncooled Optical Gas Imaging
When choosing what camera you need for your OGI needs, the first factor to consider is ensuring the camera in question can visualize your gas. After you have done that, the decision ...
Optical Gas Imaging helps Australian oil and gas industry maintain high environmental ambitions
The Australian government recently insisted on more environmental transparency for its domestic oil and gas companies.
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