IT Hardware & Industrial Computing Feature Articles

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Shaky Budget at mercy of commodity price windfall: MYEFO
A third term of Coalition government would bring the Budget back to surplus, figures from the federal government's Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) released on Monday ...
Korea-Aust FTA 'early Christmas gift' for local firms
Australian businesses can now take full advantage of opportunities with the nation's fourth largest trading partner, with the Korea–Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) entering ...
World's first international compliance standard published
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published on 5 December the world's first international standard for compliance management, ISO 19600 Compliance Management ...
Automation invasion 'threatening' white collar society
Automation threatens nearly half a million largely white collar jobs – including supermarket cashiers, secretaries, typists and bank tellers – new Department of Industry modelling ...
Smartphone sensor detects hazardous gases
Researchers have devised a new sensor which can transmit information on hazardous chemicals or food spoilage to a smartphone.
GDP data reveals stark truth about Aust's economic growth
Recent GDP data suggests the Australian economy is considerably weaker than many commentators and policy-makers have been willing to acknowledge.
New Year's Countdown: Top 8 Resolutions for Business Success
We've ticked off another Financial Year and now we're fast counting down to a change of calendar. While the New Year and personal resolutions go hand in hand, could your business ...
Manufacturing 'edges ahead' in November: Aust PMI
The Ai Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) increased by a marginal 0.7 points to 50.1 in November.
Which industries will benefit most from Aust-China FTA?
Australia is a net exporter of both goods and services to China, and the FTA is expected to unlock billions in exports.
More 'fine detail' needed on FTA
Concerns the signing of Australia's free trade deal with China could be opening us up to our largest trading partner have been dismissed by Trade Minister Andrew Robb.
Keeping Manufacturing Costs Down
Global competition in the manufacturing sector creates pressure to keep production costs low and productivity high. This is a difficult balance, particularly when it comes to payroll ...
5 Hot Spots for Manufacturers in the Aust-China FTA
The Australia-China FTA worth at least $18 billion is expected to be signed on Monday afternoon, however manufacturers still have "mixed feelings" about it, according to Ai Group CE ...
China FTA 'could spell disaster' without safeguards, Lib senator warns
Ahead of the imminent signing of a free trade deal with Australia's biggest trading partner, due to take place at this weekend's G20 Summit, senior Liberal senator Bill Heffernan ...
Manufacturing 'broadly stable' in October: Aust PMI
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) increased by 2.9 points to 49.4 in October.
Affordable autonomous vehicle available 'within a decade'
Technology that will make an autonomous car affordable to the average-income person within a decade has been created by an international team of researchers.
Warning issued for Aust-China FTA
Industry has urged the federal government to only proceed with an Australia-China FTA after thorough and genuine consideration has been given to the impact it will have on the local ...
Aust firms 'more optimistic' about next 12 months
Australian businesses are confident about their prospects for growth with the majority predicting an increase in turnover in the next twelve months, according to research published ...
7 Great Ways to Motivate Your Team
Your team is your most valuable business asset. Keeping them engaged, motivated and satisfied should be your highest priority as a manager. Here are 7 great ways I get the most from ...
New CSIRO head will guide organisation through tough times: govt
There was an air of optimism following the CSIRO's announcement entrepreneur Dr Larry Marshall had been appointed as its new chief executive, with Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane ...
Australian manufacturing: are we ready for the information age?
Australia needs to play to its strengths and transition from traditional manufacturing into new areas of competitive advantage, a white paper from the CSIRO has suggested.
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