Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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How to create a positive work environment
First a disclaimer: this headline is not suggesting your workplace isn't a positive place already.
Productivity lift needed to 'protect living standards'
Lifting productivity must become a priority in 2015 or gains in our standard of living could be significantly eroded as the terms of trade continue to decline and our population ...
Feds to tighten scrutiny of foreign farmland purchases
Farmland sales to foreign purchasers will be more tightly scrutinised from next month, the federal government announced on Wednesday, though a launch date for the long-awaited national ...
'Not time to panic' over volatile unemployment numbers
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) January Labour Force numbers have seen a decline in full time jobs and an increase in part time jobs that was to be expected, according to ...
Less red tape for local firms with Intellectual Property law reform
An Act which simplifies aspects of Australia's Intellectual Property system will mean Australian businesses have less red tape to deal with when protecting their hard-won intellectual ...
What can and should be automated for a manufacturer?
Automation describes computers and other automated machinery for the execution of business-related tasks; anything from simple sensing devices to computers and robots.
Plastic cribbing sets benchmarks for weight-bearing consistency
A new generation of recycled plastic cribbing system tested consistent with internationally recognised Australian Standards is being introduced throughout the Asia-Pacific.
Your Essential Product Importing Checklist
If you're about to embark on an importing venture for the first time, it's not as easy as buying some goods and sticking them on a boat. Successful importers are meticulous importers. ...
Robotic cars 'could' save wine industry $200m annually
It's not the most obvious of triumvirates, but cars, robots and grapes could well do wonders for Australia's wine industry.
Renewed push for mandatory country of origin food labelling
Greens leader Christine Milne has vowed to reintroduce a bill for mandatory country of origin food labelling as soon as parliament returns for the year.
How to avoid waste in overproduction
It's an easy mistake to make: you're worried about running out of those all important components that feed your production line, so you make far too many of them far too soon.
Lower Aussie dollar boosts manufacturing sector in Jan
There were broadly stable conditions across the manufacturing sector in January with the Ai Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index increasing by 2.1 points to 49.0.
7 Recycling Tips for Manufacturing Facilities
Recycling might seem like a great way for your entire workforce to dither about depositing bits of glass, plastic, paper and metal in bins instead of actually working, but it's simply ...
Top 4 Tips for Designing Food Labels
The food product market is a tough one to break into as it is saturated with thousands of new products every year.
India-Aust trade push 'another win' for bilateralism
Australia's trade mission to India under Andrew Robb last week provided a much-needed impetus to conclude an Australia-India free trade agreement in 2015 – another APAC victory for ...
Why you need a Job Description for each employee
It is not uncommon for employees to see their Job Description during the interview and initiation, yet never set eyes upon it again. However, this is a wasted opportunity that could ...
Fresh food GST proposal ruffles farmers' feathers
The proposal to apply the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the sale of fresh food has met stern opposition from Australia's leading agricultural lobby group.
Industries set to fall in 2015
As Australian companies enter the new year, there are a few industries for which 2015 may well turn out to be annus horribilis.
Industries set to fly in 2015
As Australian companies enter the new year, business information analysts reveal the industries expected to soar.
NSW govt's cash-for-containers scheme 'too expensive': industry
A plan by the NSW government to begin a cash-for-containers recycling scheme as early as next month has received overwhelming support from environmental lobby groups – though subtle ...
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