Test & Measurement Feature Articles

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Insights from the Field: Streamlining Building Diagnostics and Maximizing Uptime with Thermal Cameras
Insights from the Field: Streamlining Building Diagnostics and Maximizing Uptime with Thermal Cameras
Understanding OGI Detector Pixel Size
Why Bigger Pixels Can Be Better
Keeping the Lights On and Preventing Failures with the FLIR Si124
SPI Inspections provides their customers with top-notch utility system and infrastructure inspections, relying on their extensive experience in the field and advanced inspection ...
What is the Right Moisture Meter for Me?
Looking to add a moisture meter to your tool bag? Here’s what you need to know to find the right tool for you.
Pin vs Pinless Moisture Meters: Which Do You Need?
Looking to add a moisture meter to your tool bag? Here’s what you need to know to find the right tool for you.
Things to Know Before Conducting a Building Energy Audit
With winter in full swing across the northern hemisphere, the cold air (or perhaps a quick review of the last heating bill) has prompted residents and building managers to take note ...
Applications of Optical Displacement Sensor in Industrial Automation
Non-contact displacement sensors has been increasingly used in industrial automation process to achieve high quality and higher production rates while minimising errors and production ...
Signal conditioning ensures measurement accuracy
At a facility that manufactures critical components for aerospace companies, a technician calibrates the control system that maintains precise temperatures within furnaces that harden ...
How to keep control valve positioners on target
Valves, the actuators that move them, and the electronic circuits that control them, endure tough daily use.
Pressure transmitter calibration at the bench
Technicians calibrate at the bench to ensure calibrations are effective and don’t result in degradation of performance.
How to calibrate a temperature sensor in the field
Temperature sensors are often calibrated to ensure product quality, maintain proper flow or to meet safety requirements.
The importance of troubleshooting electrical motors with infrared cameras
It’s no secret that infrared cameras, or thermal imagers, are handy for troubleshooting motor problems.
Calibrating pressure transmitters and switches in potentially explosive atmospheres
Pressure calibration can be challenging in the best of environments.
How to best present thermal inspection results
Thermal imaging inspection reports are designed to communicate findings and produce action, such as a repair order or further monitoring of equipment.
Connecting to power quality loggers remotely
Power Quality loggers are often placed in the field for long periods, so most don’t have a display.
Use the infrared camera lens that goes the distance
The great thing about thermal imagers is that, in addition to the standard lens that comes with the camera, many are compatible with several optional lenses.
Troubleshooting photovoltaic systems: Three typical problems
In many facilities today, HVAC technicians need to know how to troubleshoot photovoltaic (PV) systems. As plants look for ways to become more energy independent, they are leaning ...
Transients and voltage unbalance
The electrical power issues that most frequently affect industrial plants include voltage sags and swells, harmonics, transients, and voltage and current unbalance.
Top causes of single-phase motor malfunctions
Most problems with single-phase motors involve the centrifugal switch, thermal switch, or capacitor(s).
Tips and tools for indoor air quality and efficiency in building envelopes
Whether at an industrial plant, in a commercial office, or residential home, frequent inspections of the building envelope and the environmental conditions inside are important for ...
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