Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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Anti-dumping reforms to help Australian industry
Reforms to Australia's anti-dumping system effective from 2 November 2015 will level the playing field for Australian manufacturers and producers.
Why stepping outside your comfort zone is the key to growth
Well, you could start by asking one of the most successful businesspeople in the world today, Richard Branson. He believes that far too many businesses aren't prepared to take ...
Best practices for maintenance supervisors
Question: who has the biggest impact on the reliability of your manufacturing production? Is it the machine operators? Is it the workers feeding the line? Or is it the people upstairs ...
Unions kick-off China FTA community hall debates
Unions have challenged local Coalition MPs to debate the merits of the China Australia Free Trade Agreement in community halls around the country.
Why hiring the best person beats hiring the best resume
"Well, they looked good on paper." If you've ever said that about a recruitment misjudgement you're far from alone. Resumes are designed to make candidates look good; they're ...
How to buy a cost effective and efficient CNC milling device
Milling is one of the most common processes used by industry and machine shops to cut and drill parts into precise, often intricate shapes and configurations. CNC, or computer ...
Federal court fines CFMEU $225000 for 'abusive and misleading' conduct
The Federal Court has handed down a $272,500 fine to the CFMEU and two of its officials, one of whom told a project manager he was crocodile hunter Steve Irwin when asked to provide ...
Building approvals slow in regional Queensland
Regional building approvals released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics have revealed a slowdown in approvals across many regions of Queensland during July.
Is Australia entering a construction trade shortage?
There has been discussion about whether there are enough available apprentices that have undergone training to replace construction workers entering retirement, and to meet growing ...
4 Creative Job Perks That Cost You Little and Gain a Lot
The connotations of the word 'perk' seem to be as negative as they are positive these days. Yet there are genuine company perks that can make a big difference to staff morale, ...
Industry groups say China-Australia FTA 'great' for Australian jobs
Australia may miss out on a surge in jobs and export opportunities if the Parliament delays approving the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), prompting three major industry ...
Ai Group: VIC long service scheme may cost employers $4m per year
In a major submission to the Inquiry into Portability of Long Service Leave Entitlements for Victorian Workers, the Australian Industry Group has demonstrated that a portable long ...
6 Tips for Employing a Customer Loyalty Program That Works
If all our customers had the sort of loyalty a dog has for his master we'd have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately customer loyalty is as fickle as fashion and as reliable as the ...
Industry survey reflects construction & building upswing in QLD
Master Builders' latest Survey of Industry Conditions for the June 2015 quarter shows business confidence in the Queensland economy and the building and construction industry is on ...
How to build excellence into your operational maintenance program
Excellence is a great word. It's a word worth using in every aspect of your business and something you should strive for in everything you do. That includes all aspects of maintenance. ...
Recent cases show why Senate should back ABCC
According to the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, senators should support the bill to reintroduce the Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner ...
Why it's time to bring manufacturing back to Australia
If you're old enough to be nostalgic about the 1960s, wistful thoughts probably revolve around black suited Beatles rather than boom times in manufacturing.
Productivity commission plan to improve resource project negotiations
The Productivity Commission has laid the blueprint for getting new major resource sector projects approved in Australia faster and more competitively, by proposing a more efficient ...
Construction industry launches new initiative to woo students
Australia's leading construction companies today launched a new awareness initiative to attract and retain more young people in the industry.
QLD building approvals up 17 per cent for the financial year
Queensland's building industry is powering ahead, with residential building approvals up almost 17 per cent across the state in 2014/15.
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