Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Annual wage review places pressure on business: ACCI
The Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase minimum and award wages by 2.4 per cent means a heavier burden for employers operating in an economy in transition, the Australian ...
NSW work-related fatalities at lowest level in almost 20 years
The latest workers compensation data released by the State's workers compensation authority shows a significant fall in death and injury rates in NSW workplaces.
The Role of Mental Health in Workplace Safety
When it comes to workplace safety, physical safety is usually on the agenda.
Four fast facts about wage growth: ACCI
New data shows that wages continue to grow more slowly than they have in the past, but the headline result does not tell the full story, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ...
How to match people to productivity
Your star salesperson has been consistently topping thier budgets and receiving fantastic bonuses for two years. Now your sales manager has decided to fly the coup.
Tax changes will help grow Australian scale in manufacturing: AAMC
The recent announcement regarding change to the small business tax rate and the change in the eligibility threshold from $2 million turnover to $10 million has been applauded by ...
Auto workers welcome Labor's commitment to jobs in manufacturing: AMWU
The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) has welcomed Labor’s plan to assist regions affected by the end of vehicle building in Australia.
More Qld exploration needed to avoid uncertainty in industry: APPEA
There is an urgent need to address the severe decline in Queensland exploration experienced over the last five years.
Business calls for parties to improve Australia’s competitiveness
The priority for parties in this federal election must be to get Australia back into the top ten most globally competitive countries over the next ten years, the Australian Chamber ...
Construction company receives 2nd largest safety fine in NSW history
A Sydney construction company and its director have received the second largest work health and safety fine in NSW history following the death of a bricklayer on a Hurstville ...
Govt budget fails to deliver for manufacturing workers: AMWU
The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) has slammed the Turnbull Government after it failed to deliver for manufacturing workers and young people desperately seeking secure ...
Govt reviews key health issues for coal miners
A core group of coal mining medicos is to be developed as part of the government’s review into a key health issue for the state’s coal miners.
How to build great Quality Control (QC) into your organisation
Quality: it's one of those overused words we apply to everything – homes, food, fabrics, cars, relationships; you name it, in some way we try to attach quality to it.
Things to Look Out for When Buying Anti-Slip Products
Basically the main things you want to look out for when buying anti-slip products is any product that stops you falling over.
Preventable electric shock incident in NSW incurs hefty safety fines
A Granville bricklaying company and its director have been fined $90,000 after a worker almost died from electric shock on a Hammondville construction site in 2012, bringing total ...
How to get the most out of your metalworking apprentice
Okay, so you’ve decided to hire an apprentice metalworker rather than a seasoned pro. Good for you!
Managing health & safety risks when unpacking shipping containers
Safe Work Australia has released three new Guidelines designed to protect workers unpacking imported shipping containers.
Things to Consider When Buying Scaffolding for Your Site
Is scaffolding just a temporary working frame on the outside of a building? Or is a building itself, albeit with a short life span? The latter way of thinking is preferable if you ...
Tips for Buying Protective Clothing
Buying the right protective gear can be about as fraught as trying to outfit a wedding party. There are all kinds of jobs and potential hazards to consider, not to mention some hefty ...
How to prevent niggling workplace injuries that cost time
We all hear about the workplace tragedies that make the papers and take a huge toll on families and employers alike.
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