Electronic Components Feature Articles

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7 Great Ways to Motivate Your Team
Your team is your most valuable business asset. Keeping them engaged, motivated and satisfied should be your highest priority as a manager. Here are 7 great ways I get the most from ...
New CSIRO head will guide organisation through tough times: govt
There was an air of optimism following the CSIRO's announcement entrepreneur Dr Larry Marshall had been appointed as its new chief executive, with Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane ...
Australian manufacturing: are we ready for the information age?
Australia needs to play to its strengths and transition from traditional manufacturing into new areas of competitive advantage, a white paper from the CSIRO has suggested.
Electrical Safety Essentials for Your Business
The dangers presented by electricity equipment and power supplies should not be underestimated.
Australian manufacturers 'equipped' with stronger research ties
Australian businesses now have access to the expertise and experience to build stronger connections between industry and science under the Research Connections stream of the Government's ...
Australian PMI: manufacturing slips back in August
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) slipped back into negative territory in August, following a short-lived stabilisation in ...
Dangerous cable recall part of bigger building industry "dilemma"
In a major victory for the Master Electricians Australia (MEA), the ACCC has initiated a national safety recall of two major brands of electrical cabling after they failed electrical ...
Aust 'lags significantly' on innovation
Australia risks being left behind as the only country in the OECD that does not have a national science and technology, or innovation policy, an expert told a packed forum recently. ...
Manufacturing expands slightly in July: Australian PMI
The latest Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) edged into positive territory in July, following eight months of contraction, ...
Industry Skills Fund open for consultation
The federal government is seeking feedback on the design and implementation of the new Industry Skills Fund, the $476 million programme which will underpin Australia's sustainable ...
FWO welcomes positive feedback, addresses challenges
The Fair Work Ombudsman has welcomed the findings of a University of Melbourne research project which examined the agency's compliance work.
Govt opens $11m fund for greater Tasmania investment
The Australian Government is putting in place a 'key program' in its overall strategy to create new opportunities for investment and jobs growth in Tasmania.
Gas market reform 'huge consequences' for manufacturing
An alliance of six industry associations released on Sunday (20 July) the first comprehensive analysis of the impact of rapidly escalating gas prices on the Australian economy.
Carbon tax 'finally axed'
Following weeks of ambivalence, negotiation, and a marathon debate lasting more than 50 hours, Tony Abbott's carbon tax repeal bill finally reached its parliamentary frontier when ...
Business groups welcome Carbon Tax Repeal
Three of Australia's leading groups representing businesses in critical sectors of the economy have welcomed the repeal of the carbon tax as the first step in moving towards an ...
Detail of Aust-Japan free trade agreement 'critical': industry
The effects of the historic free trade agreement (FTA) with Japan should be seen by business and industry alike before the end of the year, Federal Trade Minister Andrew Robb said.
Industries to rise and fall in the next financial year
As Australian companies ring in the new financial year, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to sink and soar.
 'New era' for Australian industry and small business
A new era for industry development in Australia has begun, focusing on new investment, jobs growth, and new opportunities for Australian entrepreneurs, according to the Federal ...
Australian PMI: Manufacturing contracts slightly in June
The latest Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) remained in contractionary territory in June, down slightly by 0.3 points to 48.9 ...
Future of manufacturing 'in peril' due to TAFE funding cuts
The AMWU marked national TAFE Day this week by taking the fight for our apprentices' rights to quality training to the heart of the problem – Canberra.
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