IT Hardware & Industrial Computing Feature Articles

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4 Creative Job Perks That Cost You Little and Gain a Lot
The connotations of the word 'perk' seem to be as negative as they are positive these days. Yet there are genuine company perks that can make a big difference to staff morale, ...
Industry groups say China-Australia FTA 'great' for Australian jobs
Australia may miss out on a surge in jobs and export opportunities if the Parliament delays approving the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), prompting three major industry ...
Ai Group: VIC long service scheme may cost employers $4m per year
In a major submission to the Inquiry into Portability of Long Service Leave Entitlements for Victorian Workers, the Australian Industry Group has demonstrated that a portable long ...
Govt working with Illawarra community on steel future
Australian Minister for Industry and Science Ian Macfarlane has called a September 2015 meeting of key stakeholders in Wollongong to discuss a long-term economic strategy for the ...
6 Tips for Employing a Customer Loyalty Program That Works
If all our customers had the sort of loyalty a dog has for his master we'd have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately customer loyalty is as fickle as fashion and as reliable as the ...
New online permit system slashes turnaround times for QLD mining
Queensland's multi-billion dollar mining industry has done away with resource permit paperwork thanks to the state's world-leading online permit system.
How to build excellence into your operational maintenance program
Excellence is a great word. It's a word worth using in every aspect of your business and something you should strive for in everything you do. That includes all aspects of maintenance. ...
25 factory workers underpaid $45,000 due to unchecked system error
A computer error has resulted in 25 factory workers at Nambucca Heads on the NSW North Coast being short-changed their leave entitlements for eight years.
Fossil fuels approaching extinction with new Tesla battery
Wind and solar power is most definitely on the rise, with it currently comprising 22 per cent of generated electric energy. And with the introduction of Tesla’s Powerwall by renewable ...
$73.3 million investment in SA's next generation manufacturing
South Australian businesses will invest in the state's advanced manufacturing future, with $28.8 million of Government investment under the South Australian round of the Next Generation ...
New research to inform Work Health Safety policy & practice
Safe Work Australia has published four new research reports to help inform the development of Australian work health and safety policy and practice.
Govt invests $89bn for strong, sustainable naval shipbuilding industry
The Commonwealth Government is delivering a long-term plan for a strong and sustainable naval shipbuilding industry. Over the next 20 years the Government will invest over $89 billion ...
10 Great Podcasts For Business Managers
Podcasts aren't exactly new, but only recently have they started to be taken seriously as a medium. For years they were the online equivalent of amateur radio whereby a few profoundly ...
Australian PMI: Manufacturing stabilises in July
Activity across the Australian manufacturing sector stabilised in July, after contracting in June, with the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index ...
Making innovation a priority in your industry
Innovation is the cornerstone of business. In fact, penetration into a specific industry by a startup is driven by a new idea or a unique operating model.
6 ways 3D printing is revolutionising manufacturing
In this day and age, there is no denying the incredible impact that 3D printing has had, not only on the landscape of manufacturing, but in numerous other fields as well. Even the ...
Ai Group: QLD budget 'sound' but immediate pressures remain
Ai Group Queensland State Director Jemima Dunn expressed approval of the 2015-16 Queensland budget’s view to improve State finances through debt reduction and encouraging the greater ...
Trusted Trader Program to bring red tape relief for business
According to Australian Industry Group Chief Executive Innes Willox, the Trusted Trader Program will ensure that Australian exporters and importers who already comply with the rules ...
AMWU calls on Abbott Govt to sustain naval shipbuilding industry
According to the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU), the latest report of the Senate Inquiry into naval shipbuilding paints a 'grim' picture of the perilous future faced ...
APPEA welcomes QLD gas action plan
Queensland stands to benefit from the development of a gas action plan that encourages new exploration and development for the domestic and export markets.
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