Packaging & Labelling Machinery Feature Articles

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Auto workers welcome Labor's commitment to jobs in manufacturing: AMWU
The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) has welcomed Labor’s plan to assist regions affected by the end of vehicle building in Australia.
Can Australian manufacturing compete globally?
According to those in the know the answer is yes.
Business calls for parties to improve Australia’s competitiveness
The priority for parties in this federal election must be to get Australia back into the top ten most globally competitive countries over the next ten years, the Australian Chamber ...
Govt budget fails to deliver for manufacturing workers: AMWU
The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) has slammed the Turnbull Government after it failed to deliver for manufacturing workers and young people desperately seeking secure ...
How to build great Quality Control (QC) into your organisation
Quality: it's one of those overused words we apply to everything – homes, food, fabrics, cars, relationships; you name it, in some way we try to attach quality to it.
How to buy the right industrial scales for your needs
‘How heavy is it?’ In its most basic form, that’s the question answered by an industrial scale.
Manufacturing surges in March: Australian PMI®
The Australian manufacturing sector surged in March to its strongest level of expansion since April 2004.
Tips for Buying Pallet Trucks and Jacks
Okay, so you’re a small business on the up and up, but your warehouse aisles are more supermarket than superhighway.
Manufacturing confidence surges due to strong performance
Australia's manufacturers have started the new year with a surge of confidence after a sharp jump in the March quarter across a range of measures of performance in the Australian ...
How to design your warehouse for maximum profit
It pays to make time for ‘time in motion.’ In other words, spend the time it takes now to organise your warehouse into an exemplary ‘time in motion’ study and you’ll soon reap the ...
5 benefits of using barcoding technology for an efficient warehouse
Gone are the days of clipboards and pens behind the ear. Barcoding is the only way for today’s warehouses to keep up with the game and stay profitable. Here are five reasons why.
How to reduce packaging costs
There was a time when packaging amounted to small box, mid-size box, large box and orders were simply packed into whatever made sense and bundled off on a truck.
Australian Chamber welcomes historic agreement on climate change
The global agreement on climate change at the COP21 meeting in Paris was welcomed by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 14 December 2015 as a pragmatic and positive ...
Innovative entrepreneurs set to drive Australia's economy
A report released on 25 November 2015 by the Australian Government highlights the key role innovative entrepreneurship needs to play in transforming the nation's economy.
What are the manufacturing jobs of the future?
In an earlier article we discussed whether your next manufacturing employee should be a robot.
How the right adhesive can cut packaging costs
Have you ever tried to get a children's toy out of its packaging?
Anti-dumping reforms to help Australian industry
Reforms to Australia's anti-dumping system effective from 2 November 2015 will level the playing field for Australian manufacturers and producers.
Should your next employee be a robot?
"Right, so the job is basically 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no breaks, no holidays, no perks, no salary, no super, and no rights. Happy? Great, you can start today!"
Why stepping outside your comfort zone is the key to growth
Well, you could start by asking one of the most successful businesspeople in the world today, Richard Branson. He believes that far too many businesses aren't prepared to take ...
The key steps to building robotic process automation
Will it work? Won't it work? Until recently these were the rather unhelpful questions businesses building robotic process automation (RPA) were asking themselves. Now, thankfully, ...
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