Material Handling & Lifting Equipment Feature Articles

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How to clean and maintain your Personal Protective Equipment
Maintaining and cleaning your personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential to ensure it remains effective and operational over time.
A Solution That Open Up New Paths By Reducing Old Ones
A Solution That Open Up New Paths By Reducing Old Ones
Rolling stock maintenance made easy
Traditional methods for moving rolling stock equipment (such as bogies and wheelsets) are risky and time consuming. Electrodrive collaborated with a major rail depot for an innovative ...
EcoLift's from JLG  8/19/2019
EcoLift's from JLG
JLG EcoLift Series is a major step change in low-level access. It's so easy, fast and efficient. Just step in and turn the handle. And you don't need power; no batteries or mains ...
Machinery Manufacturing - Pnuematic Manipulator
Pnuematic Manipulator can be used to carry all kinds of heavy machinery parts.
Glass Industry Application
Posilift can solve most glass handling operations.
VMI, was the first to introduce PC based film digitization for Industrial Radiography. It allows users to analyse, annotate and manipulate radiographs digitally in a manner never ...
Is the US/China trade war good for Australian business?
The escalating trade war between the United States and China, the world’s two largest economies, is already having an impact on smaller economies all over the world.
Guide to choosing the right conveyor system
Conveyors are an essential component of materials handling but often the last to be considered when it comes to process planning.
Huge compo win should be a warning to employers
A recent landmark compensation case awarded to a Queensland man, and covered in the Sunshine Coast Daily, highlights the dangers of forcing workers to move and lift heavy loads all ...
Doing our bit to make airports safer
Electrodrive designed a process to help a major duty-free outlet inside Melbourne International Airport reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury to staff, increase delivery efficiencies ...
Australian PMI®: manufacturing stabilises in September
After a sharp drop in August, the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) regained 2.9 points to record a broadly stable 49.8 in ...
How to deal with conflict on the factory floor
What causes workplace conflict? Well, in its broadest sense, human nature.
Engineers challenge Minister over Skilled Occupation listing
The Government continues to allow companies to source engineers from overseas when thousands of Australian based engineers struggle to find work.
Ai Group leads high-level Industry 4.0 apprenticeship initiative
"Ai Group is embarking on a major collaborative project that could reinvent apprenticeships in Australia."
6 Great Podcasts for Manufacturing Professionals
If you’re not up to speed with podcasts, they’re a great way to stay up to speed with anything and everything while, well, operating at speed.
Tax & workplace relations in building industry warrant early attention
Improving Australia's tax system and changing the toxic culture in the building and construction industry need to be key priorities for the new Parliament, the Australian Chamber of ...
Manufacturing people power: full time or labour hire?
With eCommerce and an ever-growing market of impatient customers expecting everything yesterday, manufacturing has never faced more challenges.
FIFO workmates urged to ask R U OK?
WITH up to 1 in 3 fly-in fly-out workers reportedly experiencing mental health difficulties[1], suicide prevention organisation R U OK? is urging workmates to support one another ...
Training Supervisors to Improve Health and Wellbeing of Employees
Mental and stress related disorders such as depression, anxiety and burnout account for a large percentage of all work-related health problems.
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