Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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How to buy the fleet management software your business needs
Okay, you've got all those fancy vehicles out there racing around the countryside doing deliveries and carrying reps from sale to sale.
Should your next employee be a robot?
"Right, so the job is basically 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no breaks, no holidays, no perks, no salary, no super, and no rights. Happy? Great, you can start today!"
Why stepping outside your comfort zone is the key to growth
Well, you could start by asking one of the most successful businesspeople in the world today, Richard Branson. He believes that far too many businesses aren't prepared to take ...
Things to Look Out for When Buying a Commercial Truck
Whether you're looking for a small delivery truck for around town or a hulking road train for across country, the considerations are basically the same. Buying a new truck is a big ...
Best practices for maintenance supervisors
Question: who has the biggest impact on the reliability of your manufacturing production? Is it the machine operators? Is it the workers feeding the line? Or is it the people upstairs ...
ACCC confirms plan to exempt two Port Kembla wheat ports
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has released a position paper confirming that it intends to grant exemptions to GrainCorp and Quattro from having to comply with ...
Why hiring the best person beats hiring the best resume
"Well, they looked good on paper." If you've ever said that about a recruitment misjudgement you're far from alone. Resumes are designed to make candidates look good; they're ...
$15 million to support drought-stricken QLD farmers deal with pests
The Australian and Queensland governments are inviting applications for pest control programs in drought affected areas as part of a joint $15 million commitment to tackle pest weeds ...
Resource industry calls for further changes to workplace laws
Draft recommendations to improve Australia's workplace relations framework contain some positive proposals but do not go far enough to tackle serious economic challenges facing our ...
The importance of adequate competition for the east coast gas market
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman Rod Sims shared some early insights from the ACCC's inquiry into the east coast gas market in a speech to the Eastern Australia's ...
Futuristic alloys stronger than steel, yet malleable like chewing gum
UNSW researchers have created an 'instruction manual' for developing metallic glass – an ultra-tough yet flexible alloy described as the most significant materials science innovation ...
Federal court fines CFMEU $225000 for 'abusive and misleading' conduct
The Federal Court has handed down a $272,500 fine to the CFMEU and two of its officials, one of whom told a project manager he was crocodile hunter Steve Irwin when asked to provide ...
Australia's energy productivity continues to rise
Australia's energy productivity rose by four per cent in 2013–14, according to the 2015 edition of the Australian Energy Statistics, released by the Department of Industry and Science. ...
WA resources industry valued at $99.5 billion in 2014-15
Western Australia's mineral and petroleum industry was valued at $99.5 billion in 2014-15 according to statistics released by the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP).
China FTA: farming industry calls for less politics, more goal kicks
According to Simon Talbot, Chief Executive Officer of the National Farmers' Federation, political point scoring on the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement is a distraction from ...
Infrastructure reforms may help restore productivity
According to ACCC Chairman Rod Sims, the proposed Harper competition reforms can boost national prosperity and help turn the tables on many years of past poor infrastructure policies ...
Forum highlights safety issues in WA mines
The Department of Mines and Petroleum's biannual inspectors forum brought together the entire Mines Safety Inspectorate to discuss the importance of continuing to improve safety in ...
4 Creative Job Perks That Cost You Little and Gain a Lot
The connotations of the word 'perk' seem to be as negative as they are positive these days. Yet there are genuine company perks that can make a big difference to staff morale, ...
Industry groups say China-Australia FTA 'great' for Australian jobs
Australia may miss out on a surge in jobs and export opportunities if the Parliament delays approving the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), prompting three major industry ...
Truckies under pressure: freight costs cut by $13m despite huge profit
Wesfarmers announced it has cut its freight costs by $13 million at a time when its revenue growth is up 3.8 per cent. Coles' revenues were up two per cent to $38 billion, the results ...
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