Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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Essential Energy fined $300,000 over worker death
Essential Energy has been convicted and fined $300,000 following the death of an electrical worker at Bulahdelah in September 2013.
Engineers challenge Minister over Skilled Occupation listing
The Government continues to allow companies to source engineers from overseas when thousands of Australian based engineers struggle to find work.
New gas pipeline project in Qld offers jobs
A new $80 million gas pipeline project in southern Queensland would offer 170 jobs, State Development Minister Anthony Lynham said 7 September 2016.
6 Great Podcasts for Manufacturing Professionals
If you’re not up to speed with podcasts, they’re a great way to stay up to speed with anything and everything while, well, operating at speed.
ACCC takes action against Volkswagen over diesel emission claims
The ACCC allege Volkswagen engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct, made false or misleading representations and engaged in conduct liable to mislead the public in relation to ...
Tax & workplace relations in building industry warrant early attention
Improving Australia's tax system and changing the toxic culture in the building and construction industry need to be key priorities for the new Parliament, the Australian Chamber of ...
Manufacturing people power: full time or labour hire?
With eCommerce and an ever-growing market of impatient customers expecting everything yesterday, manufacturing has never faced more challenges.
FIFO workmates urged to ask R U OK?
WITH up to 1 in 3 fly-in fly-out workers reportedly experiencing mental health difficulties[1], suicide prevention organisation R U OK? is urging workmates to support one another ...
Asbestos on building sites a continuing regulatory issue: Ai Group
Imported building materials containing asbestos highlights inadequacy of Australia's approach to ensuring the safety and quality of goods sold in Australia.
Training Supervisors to Improve Health and Wellbeing of Employees
Mental and stress related disorders such as depression, anxiety and burnout account for a large percentage of all work-related health problems.
Does Brexit have any fibre?
What exactly is this British breakfast cereal that's got everyone in a tizz?
Road stabilising aid relieves maintenance backlog for local government
Research into the condition of unsealed roads in Australia shows 19% are in poor to very poor condition. In-situ stabilisation with PolyCom offers immediate relief from the road ...
Women considered better industry workers. Or not?
Women and industry workplace settings aren’t a common picture that comes to mind.
Be prepared - wage rate changes effective 1 July 2016
A new National Minimum Wage comes into effect from the first pay period on or after tomorrow, July 1.
Manufacturers plan for more investment and new jobs
Australia's manufacturers remain upbeat thanks to an uptick in home building activity and the lower Australian dollar, although the surge in confidence of late last year is abating, ...
Reinventing Company Culture to Increase Employee Engagement and Safety
Company culture, an elusive and often overlooked and undervalued concept.
Cautious approach needed on apprenticeship quotas: ACCI
Labor is right to seek ways to reverse the slide in apprenticeship numbers but its proposal for quotas on government-funded infrastructure projects needs to be considered with caution, ...
Supporting innovative businesses to drive jobs and growth
Innovation is critical to Australia's economic transition and forms an important part of our national economic plan.
Annual wage review places pressure on business: ACCI
The Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase minimum and award wages by 2.4 per cent means a heavier burden for employers operating in an economy in transition, the Australian ...
The Role of Mental Health in Workplace Safety
When it comes to workplace safety, physical safety is usually on the agenda.
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