Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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No crystal ball necessary: looking into the future is already possible today
How maintenance becomes predictable and easy thanks to intelligent smart plastics
For efficient machines: tribo-polymers from Treotham increase service life
Igus tribo-polymers display their advantages in maintenance-free and lubrication-free iglidur bearing technology
The Benefits of Packing Tape And Dispensers – What to Consider When Choosing the Right Packing Equipment.
What to Consider When Choosing the Right Packing Equipment.
If You’re Packing Fragile Items, Here Are the Best Packing Materials to Secure Your Fragile Belongings.
Securing and packaging fragile objects is very important, as any loose items or incorrect packing procedure can cause fragile items to move during transit and potentially break. ...
What does PAH stand for?
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are organic compounds consisting of two or more aromatic ring systems. Some of these compounds are considered to be carcinogenic.
Wild Weather Conditions Asphalt Repair Solution
Due to recent wild weather conditions and fires. Road maintenance has begun in earnest, you'll be interested to know there's an Asphalt repair product leaving other brands in the ...
Case Study: Sota Packaging
SOTA Packaging a manufacturer of recyclable paper cans required the automatic accumulation and palletisation of loose multilayer paper cans with layer boards.
Case-Study: Structural Platforms
VEQTOR delivered the turnkey project to the client managing all administrative elements including the builder, structural certification, planning and building license application to ...
Pipe Sealing Through Ceiling, Slab & Wall Penetrations
Pipetite are the latest range of sealing products used in wall and ceiling penetrations when movement of a pipe is required.
Cutting Edge Road Patch Stabilisation
“Experience has shown that if water passes through a road and fills the native soil, the road whatever its thickness, loses support and goes to pieces”. (John MacAdam 1820).
Elevated Consolidation
When it comes to producing quality finished concrete, ensuring the correct level of concrete consolidation is achieved during pouring is paramount.
10 reasons to use composite plastic bearings instead of metallic
Composite plastic bushings combine thermoplastics, fibrous reinforcements, and solid lubricants for tailored bearing solutions with predictable lifetime in a wide variety of applications. ...
$25,000 back-pay for apprentice floor layer
A western Sydney commercial flooring company has reimbursed an apprentice floor layer almost $25,000 after an investigation by the Fair Work Ombudsman found he had been underpaid ...
New gas pipeline project in Qld offers jobs
A new $80 million gas pipeline project in southern Queensland would offer 170 jobs, State Development Minister Anthony Lynham said 7 September 2016.
6 Great Podcasts for Manufacturing Professionals
If you’re not up to speed with podcasts, they’re a great way to stay up to speed with anything and everything while, well, operating at speed.
Manufacturing people power: full time or labour hire?
With eCommerce and an ever-growing market of impatient customers expecting everything yesterday, manufacturing has never faced more challenges.
Asbestos on building sites a continuing regulatory issue: Ai Group
Imported building materials containing asbestos highlights inadequacy of Australia's approach to ensuring the safety and quality of goods sold in Australia.
Training Supervisors to Improve Health and Wellbeing of Employees
Mental and stress related disorders such as depression, anxiety and burnout account for a large percentage of all work-related health problems.
Ai Group welcomes job creation focus in SA State Budget
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) welcomes the SA Government's initiative in job creation and the Job Accelerator Program.
Qld demands tougher asbestos controls from Commonwealth
Queensland is calling on the Commonwealth to step up its efforts to prevent the importation of asbestos containing materials into the country.
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