Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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Exporting and beyond: Global commitment of Aust SMEs
Engagement with the world by Australian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is increasing beyond exporting according to a new survey by International Business Wales (IBW).
PMI: Manufacturing activity was stronger during July
Australia's manufacturing activity lifted in July, underpinned by stronger domestic demand, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of ...
New standards for high risk work to be unveiled in October
A new national standard for licensing persons performing high risk work will take effect in WA in October.
Govt delivers smart budget that hits all the right targets :Ai
"The Federal Government has set out to prove the adage that good policy can be good politics by delivering a smart budget that hits the right targets," Ai Group Chief Executive ...
Govt's proactive industry statement good for business
"The Government's Global Integration initiative released by the Prime Minister in Sydney is an innovative approach that responds to the challenges and opportunities of ongoing ...
Aust businesses urged to become “insiders” within China
One of the important factors for export success in China is to understand how the market works ‘on-the-ground’ according to newly appointed Country Manager of the Austrade network’s ...
10 simple goal-setting tips to make sure 2007 is your best year yet
No.1: Reflect on the activities of 2006 and what, how and why you want to do some things better or differently in 2007. Revisit your business plan and see where the business is now ...
Export growth strongly expected to drive economy of WA in 2007
The West Australian economy is forecast to continue growing at a fast pace in 2007, according to the latest assessment by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA.
Large Organisations revise IT spending forecasts to 2.8% Growth
Organisations with more than $1 billion in revenue have reforecast their IT spending increase for 2007 to 2.8 percent, according to a new Gartner Consulting Worldwide IT Benchmark ...
Walking on air? A guide to crossing skylights and asbestos roofs
Accessing a roof safely and in compliance with the law is rarely as simple as strapping on a harness, particularly when the roof is made from asbestos or has skylights. Height safety ...
Increasing pressure from China on Aussie manufacturers
Australian manufacturers are experiencing increased competitive pressures in their dealings with China, while at the same time they now see China as the most important market in ...
Government IR laws will hurt workplace Health and Safety
The ACTU has called on the Howard Government to repeal the sections of its new Industrial Relations laws which ban Workplace Agreements from giving workers leave to attend union-provided ...
Queensland budget should focus on industry competitiveness
The Australian Industry Group has urged Queensland Premier Peter Beattie to boost spending on road transport infrastructure in the state's 2006/07 Budget, using a modest increase in ...
Growth in engineering construction spending to outpace residential in the long term
Spending growth in the engineering and non-residential construction sectors will surpass the residential sector in the long term.
Facilities management Opera House style
CSIRO’s expertise in facility management technologies is helping to keep Australia’s favourite house in good working order.
Kanban inspiration for US concrete contractor
This case study is based on a private contractor who bids on projects from the City and County of San Francisco, the Public Utilities Commission, as well as the Water Department in ...
Australian construction industry set for new heights
Australia's $90 billion construction industry could be an international leader in sustainable building methods by 2020, according to the finding of the Construction 2020 report by ...
Lighting control saves Coca-Cola Amatil energy
Coca-Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd, a member of the Greenhouse Challenge since 1999, has successfully introduced a series of lighting measures to cut energy use and reduce greenhouse ...
Solving Australia's energy dilemma
Australia needs vast amounts of new, low-cost, clean energy to sustain growth. A $15m national research flagship program is setting out to create it.
Fuelling the 21st century with Fuel Cells
Fuel cells are an efficient and low-polluting way to generate power. The Australian Technology Park in Sydney has installed Australia's first commercial fuel cell.
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