Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Walking on air? A guide to crossing skylights and asbestos roofs
Accessing a roof safely and in compliance with the law is rarely as simple as strapping on a harness, particularly when the roof is made from asbestos or has skylights. Height safety ...
Code of Practice on Working Hours proves to be successful so far
WA’s Code of Practice on Working Hours –launched in July – is generating widespread discussion across the State.
Fair pay commission wage rise carries some substantial risks
"As cautioned in Ai Group's submission to the Fair Pay Commission, the bigger the wage increase - the bigger the risks. Today's decision very much errs on the high side of expectations ...
New inspection programme introduced for abbattoirs
Concerns about the number of injuries in abattoirs have prompted WorkSafe to launch an inspection program in the industry.
Counterfeit power points could turn out to be dangerous killers
Standards Australia has warned licensed electricians and electrical wholesalers to be constantly vigilant when importing electrical goods.
New national licensing standard for people in high risk work
A new national standard for licensing persons performing high risk work will take effect next year.
Safety concerns over nanotechnology need closer investigation
Nanotechnology promises to revolutionise everything from medicine to engineering, indicating that thinking big may soon involve thinking small. To realise this promise, the government, ...
Major study finds standards important to drive the economy
A major study into the impact of standards on the Australian economy has found water and electrical standards generate economic benefits of around $1.9 billion a year while mineral ...
Investigating molecular structure of foods to improve safety
Under an agreement signed between the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and CSIRO, scientists will seek to determine the molecular structure of the foods ...
Waste management in Australia needs careful attention
Waste management needs to be refocused if it is to achieve the best outcomes for the community, according to a draft inquiry report released by the Productivity Commission.
Biotech firm seeks official approval to contaminate food crops
Concern is mounting that Food Standards Australia New Zealand are being pressured by international biotech companies to officially approve contamination of food with GE crops designed ...
Researchers lay down the foundations for a green industry
Australian university researchers have developed a strong, lightweight building material that they believe could generate a thriving new "green" industry for countries such as China ...
200,000 jobs at risk if Govt keeps ignoring manufacturing
A report from the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research has been launched at the AMWU National Conference, showing that the Australian manufacturing industry will lose ...
Queensland industry working to address water shortage
Queensland industry is actively working towards responsible water usage with a growing number of businesses seeking advice about water saving measures, according to the Australian ...
Research on target as Monash loads its e-research quiver
Researchers worldwide now have a faster and simpler way of accessing the vast repositories of data that underpin their studies, following a new federal government grant of $8.9 ...
Is nanotechnology below the regulatory radar in Australia?
Immediate government attention is needed to address how best to regulate nanotechnology in Australia, with nanotech products such as some cosmetics, food and medicines already falling ...
Businesses urged to protect intellectual property in China
With China predicted to become Australia’s biggest export market up from its current number two spot, Austrade said businesses must view protecting Intellectual Property (IP) as a ...
$305 million to fund research for Australian industry
CSIRO's Chief Executive Dr Geoff Garrett has welcomed the Prime Minister's announcement of additional funding for the organisation's National Research Flagships as part of the ...
Technology to boost livestock and plant-based industries
The state of Victoria, Australia and the J. Craig Venter Institute (Venter Institute), the prestigious non-profit genomics institute, have announced a collaborative research project ...
Government IR laws will hurt workplace Health and Safety
The ACTU has called on the Howard Government to repeal the sections of its new Industrial Relations laws which ban Workplace Agreements from giving workers leave to attend union-provided ...
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