Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Grinding out more business
The pioneer of boneless lean beef is taking the ground meat production to a new level with machinery never seen before. After 24 years of producing its unique lean beef trimmings, ...
Australian manufacturing swamped by the Chinese tsunami?
In July last year, Victoria's Manufacturing Minister Andre Haermeyer issued a stern warning. "There is a tsunami out there called China and we have to find a way around it, Haermeyer ...
Now here's a shock - manufacturing exporters do have a future
Do Australian manufacturers have a future? Well if we bothered to ask the manufacturers themselves, we’d find that they think they do. According to the latest DHL Export Barometer, ...
Australia and Africa – a trade synergy
While Australia’s diplomatic and trade eyes are firmly fixed on Asia, and international focus remains on the emerging economic powers of China and India, the countries of Southern ...
Australia's economic wine boom
A feature of the most recent boom has been the Australian industry’s charge into exporting, carving out market share around the world, mostly at the expense of European producers. ...
Industrial CO2 Refrigeration Project
CRF (Colac Otway) Pty Ltd, located in western Victoria, is a lamb and veal processing facility with about 300 employees processing an average of 6000 head per day. CRF products that ...
Proof that Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) works for SMEs
There is a perception in some quarters that the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) program is not suited to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). In this article we examine ...
Lean Production:  the End of History?
One of the most influential books that have been published in recent years is the MIT study The Machine that Changed the World by Womack et al. (1990).
Lean Manufacturing: An Introduction
Lean manufacturing traces its origins to Toyota’s production model. Its tightly coupled and meticulously coordinated manufacturing system was designed to drive closer links between ...
What is Kanban?  11/24/2005
What is Kanban?
Kanban is often seen as a central element of lean manufacturing and is probably the most widely used type of 'Pull' signaling system. Kanban was derived from the Japanese language ...
Manufacturers turn to robots to increase competition
Robots and automation machinery are becoming increasingly popular in a diverse range of manufacturing industries these days, such as the meat and livestock business, to provide ...
Golden Circle proactive about protecting employees
Fruit and vegetable processor Golden Circle evolved its approach to safety from machine guarding to a safety systems focus in the late 1990s.
Migration from plastic packaging materials
The prevention of contamination of food by the packaging intended to protect it is the object of constant research and regulation.
Australia's invention of eco-friendly food manufacturing
It's the ultimate in recycling - Australian food manufacturers are able to turn their rubbish into safe, value-added products for use in medicines and health supplements, thanks to ...
Aust manufacturers must master complexity or perish
Deloitte's Global Managing Director of Manufacturing Industries, Gary Coleman has said that driving sustainable, profitable revenue growth is the top priority for manufacturing ...
Aust wheat remains one of our most important industries
The morning toast relies on it. The mid-morning snack is made from it. Dinner could be another variety altogether. And some people drive their cars with it.
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