Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Work starts on the making of a new organic food standard
Work will commence in May on a new Australian Standard for organic food produce - Australia's first domestic Standard to have widespread industry, consumer and government support.
Fair Work Australia - serious questions asked about viability
"There are serious questions about the viability of the ALP's Fair Work Australia proposal," Australian Industry Group Chief Executive Heather Ridout has said.
National Reform Agenda: Good deal for a better federation
"Industry will be looking to this week's COAG meeting for decisive breakthroughs in advancing the National Reform Agenda (NRA)," said Australian Industry Group chief executive Heather ...
Labor decides it is time for Aust to take lead on Uranium
"As a member of the ACTU Executive from 1984 to 1996 and President from 1990 to 1996 I’ve been through tough decisions like this many times before – Qantas, the Commonwealth Bank, ...
NSW Chamber of Commerce welcomes new cabinet
Premier Morris Iemma's announcement of a new cabinet has been welcomed by Patricia Forsythe, executive director of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce.
Dry economics - the economic impact of the drought
I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of drought and flooding rains. By Dorothea Mackellar.
Reminder on need for RCDs with hand-held electrical tools
WorkSafe has issued a reminder to workplaces that residual current devices (RCDs) need to be fitted to electrical circuits wherever hand-held electrical tools are to be used.
Truss congratulates Aust business on £2 bln agreement
Australian Government Minister for Trade, Warren Truss, congratulated WA-based Global Renewables and Sydney partner Bovis Lend Lease on securing one of the largest and most significant ...
AIG pre-budget submission: ambitions for Aust prosperity
The Australian Industry Group has released details of its submission to the Federal Government outlining a range of proposals to be included in the May Budget.
New yardstick has been designed to measure GI claims inside food
In a world first, a new Australian Standard designed to measure the glycemic index (GI) of foods, released recently, will play an important role in ensuring nutrition and health ...
Large Organisations revise IT spending forecasts to 2.8% Growth
Organisations with more than $1 billion in revenue have reforecast their IT spending increase for 2007 to 2.8 percent, according to a new Gartner Consulting Worldwide IT Benchmark ...
Domestic sugar levy has been abolished to boost manufacturing
The domestic sugar levy, which was originally introduced on 1 January 2003 to partly fund the Sugar Industry Reform Programme, has been abolished.
Taming problems of ever increasing business information overload
Information demand for businesses today is growing to overwhelming proportions – both in responding to requests for information, and in managing their own existing information stores. ...
Business releases report card on NSW Government performance
NSW’s largest business organisation Australian Business Limited (incorporating the State Chamber of Commerce) has released a Report Card on the economic performance of the Iemma ...
Responsible business practices in action over the festive break
The next few weeks will be extremely busy for most businesses in the lead up to Christmas, according to Australian Business Limited.
Positive progress made on how to handle anti-dumping system
"The Government’s release of the outcome of its administrative review of Australia’s Anti-Dumping System shows that real progress is being made to address some of the issues concerning ...
Plant sterols and formulated beverages have now been approved
Two new food standards are now law. The first standard will allow Australians and New Zealanders to have access to a range of foods enriched with plant sterols. The second standard ...
Australia-Japan Free Trade Agreement study into final stages
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Mark Vaile, has welcomed the successful conclusion of the fifth and final meeting of the Australia-Japan Joint Study Group which has ...
Mining by-products could help WA manage its acid-saline drainage
By-products from the processing of iron ore and alumina could play a key role in solving Western Australia’s acid-saline drainage problem.
‘Air shower’ set to cut water use by 30 per cent
As Australians become increasingly alert to the importance of using water wisely in the home, CSIRO researchers have found a way to use a third less water when you shower – by adding ...
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