Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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QLD Govt's business measures – win for industry in hard times
"Industry commends the Queensland Government on it announcements that will ease red tape and costs pressures for many of the State’s businesses during these difficult times," Ai ...
Green Building Council of Australia welcomes ACT feed-in tariff
Australia's leading green building organisation has welcomed the ACT Government's decision to introduce a Feed-in Tariff to encourage households to adopt renewable energy sources.
Construction declines again amid further cutbacks in projects
The national construction industry registered a further decline in January 2009, as the global economic and financial crisis continued to adversely affect market demand and confidence. ...
Business welcomes calls for tax relief, but more help is needed
New South Wales’s leading business organisation the NSW Business Chamber has strongly welcomed calls for further tax relief for the state’s businesses, but measures to help stimulate ...
Residential Current Devices can save people's lives
Thirty-three out of the 38 electricity related deaths in West Australian homes in the past 16 years could have been prevented if an RCD had been fitted, EnergySafety has said.
Big day for monetary and fiscal policy – 'all hands are on deck'
"The nation building and jobs plan announced by the Federal Government are simple and substantial, and will provide a big stimulus to help keep the economy moving. Together with the ...
Strategic R&D investment can really help to benefit bottom line
Despite the unprecedented downturn facing Australia’s minerals industry, now is the time to invest in strategic research and development, according to CSIRO Minerals Chief Dr Bart ...
ACMA releases an Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan
The Australian Communications and Media Authority has released a new Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan (the Spectrum Plan).
Trade jobs appear to be surviving despite the downturn
Choosing to study a trade may be the way to stay employed during the economic downturn with a recent study finding that there is still a shortage of labour in some trade areas.
Scientists discover way to keep offices cool using summer heat
While most Australians are taking care to shield themselves from the harsh summer heat, scientists from the CSIRO Energy Transformed Flagship are working on ways to harness the sun’s ...
How will Obama stimulate the economy with green technology?
“There is no obstacle that can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change.” In the week of President Obama's inauguration, his words are a noble call to us all to rise ...
NSW Business Chamber has concerns on Union Right of Entry
The Federal Government’s Fair Work Bill has wide reaching implications for New South Wales’ employers and careful consideration must be given to the final shape of the legislation ...
Further decline in construction as new business contracts
The construction industry registered a further marked decline in December with the Australian Industry Group – Housing Industry Association Performance of Construction Index (Australian ...
Standardising greywater treatment technologies through tests
A new protocol for testing greywater treatment technologies in Australia could boost efforts to conserve the nation’s water resources.
Smart fridges manage to stay cooler by talking to one another
Smart fridges that run on renewable electricity and are capable of negotiating the most energy efficient way to keep food cold have been developed by researchers from CSIRO’s Energy ...
Green buildings avoid the doom and gloom trend inside Aust
Despite Wall Street's accumulated losses in the bear market reaching over US$10 trillion recently, the green building sector bucked the gloom.
Strong immigration program essential in tough economic times
"The announcement by the Minister for Immigration, Senator Chris Evans, that the Government would maintain existing permanent skilled migration levels recognises the important ...
New maps prove to be boon for Queensland mineral explorers
CSIRO’s Minerals Down Under Flagship is working with the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) to provide Queensland’s mineral explorers with the benefits of exciting new advances ...
CSIRO says that saving water is the key to reducing energy use
A new report by CSIRO and the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) gives a clearer picture of water and energy use in Australia and New Zealand and highlights areas offering ...
Industry leader warns against skills shortage in downturn
Manufacturing industry leader Bill Stoddart has warned that reduced private sector investment in skills and training during the economic downturn could exacerbate the current skills ...
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