Manufacturing & Industrial Equipment Feature Articles

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Flexible work helps blood pressure, sleep, mental health
There is evidence to suggest that flexible working might be beneficial for employees' health if they are allowed to have input into their own working patterns, a review by Cochrane ...
Recovery requires balance, commitment & leadership
The 2010 federal Budget must set Australia's economy on course to continue its run of economic growth over the coming decade, BCA President Graham Bradley says.
Management tips employees would give their bosses
The following tips primarily lead back to the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated". As an employer, place yourself in the employee's shoes. How would you like ...
Industries to fly and fall in 2010
While 2009 proved to be a tough year, characterised by rising unemployment and economic gloom, the new year may well bring good tidings for some Australian businesses, with projected ...
ACCI calls on employers to take on an apprentice
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Australia's largest and most representative business organisation, welcomed the announcement last week by Federal Minister ...
Enterprise connect to boost business in 8 more regions
Small and medium sized businesses in more regional areas will have greater access to Australian Government business assistance with the extension of Enterprise Connect's Innovative ...
Addressing radiation safety of airport full-body scanners
Amid concerns regarding terrorists targeting airliners using weapons less detectable by traditional means, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is ramping up deployment ...
Death of QLD worker prompts warning on heat stress
The recent death of a 19-year-old Queenslander, who was installing roof insulation, has prompted a warning from WorkSafe on guarding against the effects of extreme temperatures.
Differences between a leader and a manager
There should be no differences between a leader and a manager. The two 'titles' should coexist with one another, but often times a manager lacks leadership abilities. In order to be ...
Building company fined over lack of fall protection
A building company has been fined $6500 for failing to provide edge protection on a building site after a sub-contractor fell 2.4 metres through an unprotected stairwell void.
Processing company fined $60,000 over death of worker
A Geraldton lobster processing company has been fined $60,000 for failing to provide a work environment free from hazards after an employee died as a result of a workplace fall in ...
Jargon in business publications alienates customers
Using business jargon is common amongst colleagues in specific industries, but the acronyms, language and lingo spoken in these circles is typically not so well known outside the ...
Changes to GST formula biggest threat to NSW budget
The 2009-10 half-yearly Budget review released recently by NSW Treasurer Eric Roozendaal provided further confirmation that the NSW economy was strengthening, said NSW Business ...
Boosting AUS productivity through education and training
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Australia's largest and most representative business organisation, has set out the case for boosting Australia's productivity ...
How to successfully build a great management team
A company is not a democracy – it's better. In a democracy, the majority wins. In a good management team, all positive input wins, and all negative input is dismissed. Achieving that ...
Crisis did not cut hours during the economic downturn
During the global financial crisis workers who stayed in their jobs did not reduce their working hours, despite widespread government and commentator claims that cuts in hours had ...
Technology to track farmers' greenhouse emissions
Despite being exempt from the emissions trading scheme, farmers are still being encouraged to be good corporate citizens and a new tool developed at Queensland University of Technology ...
Less than a month left to take advantage of 50% tax break
NSW Business Chamber is reminding NSW’s small business owners that they have less than a month left to take advantage of the Federal Government’s 50 percent small business tax break ...
Australia not 'out on its own' on climate change legislation
New climate change legislation will not leave Australia 'out on its own', a review of similar regulation around Asia has revealed.
CPRS: Business reprieve should not defer investment
The rejection by the Senate of the Carbon Pollution Seduction Scheme legislation provides an opportunity to iron out remaining flaws in scheme design and timing, but should not be ...
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