Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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The current state of RFID in New Zealand and Australia
The global use of RFID is increasing very rapidly from a US$2.7 billion business in 2006 to over $26 billion in 2016. As an enabling technology, it is already being widely used, ...
What will change in Japanese leadership mean to Australia
In September 2006, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi will say goodbye to political life when he steps down as Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) president and the premiership.
Is nanotechnology below the regulatory radar in Australia?
Immediate government attention is needed to address how best to regulate nanotechnology in Australia, with nanotech products such as some cosmetics, food and medicines already falling ...
More fertile cattle worth millions to Australian producers
Research into finding the links between the genetic make-up of bulls and the fertility of their female progeny could be worth millions of dollars to Australian beef producers.
Businesses urged to protect intellectual property in China
With China predicted to become Australia’s biggest export market up from its current number two spot, Austrade said businesses must view protecting Intellectual Property (IP) as a ...
$305 million to fund research for Australian industry
CSIRO's Chief Executive Dr Geoff Garrett has welcomed the Prime Minister's announcement of additional funding for the organisation's National Research Flagships as part of the ...
Technology to boost livestock and plant-based industries
The state of Victoria, Australia and the J. Craig Venter Institute (Venter Institute), the prestigious non-profit genomics institute, have announced a collaborative research project ...
Falling sales and rising costs underpin subdued activity
Manufacturing production eased further in the June quarter 2006, as sales continued to decline and raw material costs rose sharply, according to The Australian Industry Group ...
Consequences of Government allowing jobs to go offshore
The Howard Government is the only Government in the western world not investing in its own manufacturing sector, and the statements by the Federal Government’s chief economic advisor ...
Manufacturing conditions difficult as input costs surge
Manufacturing conditions remained difficult in May, according to The Australian Industry Group-PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI™). ...
Major report released on the future of manufacturing
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) has released the most extensive study conducted into the future of the manufacturing sector in Australia in almost a decade.
Manufacturing growth remains subdued throughout April
Manufacturing activity remained subdued in April with production flat and employment remaining under pressure, according to The Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers ...
Australian manufacturing activity picks up in March
Manufacturing activity expanded in March, with the Australian Industry Group-PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI™) rising 6.5 points ...
Reducing the level of food waste
Alan Steggles Food Service was formed in 1987 to supply hospitals, nursing homes and the hospitality industry in the Newcastle region with freshly prepared vegetables.
Packaging food to protect its shelf life
Shelf life is an important property of any food and is of interest to everyone in the food chain from producer to consumer.
Machinery and tooling in Australia is world class
Machinery is produced in Australia and exported for a range of applications including agriculture, mining, scientific research, food processing, material handling, heating and cooling. ...
Industry Profile: Innovator in the biscuit industry
Sam Tucker, 31, Managing Director of the Great Australian Baking Company swapped careers ten years ago when he’d had enough of working in the hospitality industry.
Separating and purifying nutrients from waste
Together the University of Western Sydney's Centre for Advanced Food Research (CAFR) and Food Science Australia (FSA) have invented a way to separate and purify the nutrients contained ...
Milking the export dollar
Fifty years ago, Great Britain was just about the only overseas destination for Australian dairy products.
CO2 Refrigeration system for supermarkets
Frigrite Refrigeration is a fully owned and operated Australian refrigeration company with branches around the country and in Cheltenham, Victoria.
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