Electrical & Power Generation Equipment Feature Articles

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Demand for nano technology will cross $28 billion by 2008
The report "The World Nanotechnology Market (2006)" provides an updated and detailed overview of the Nanotechnology market worldwide.
Researchers lay down the foundations for a green industry
Australian university researchers have developed a strong, lightweight building material that they believe could generate a thriving new "green" industry for countries such as China ...
Manufacturing stronger but conditions still challenging
Manufacturing activity strengthened in June with The Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI™) rising 5.6 ...
NZ company receives grant to develop hydrogen sensors
A $582,000 Government grant has been awarded to Christchurch company Nano Cluster Devices Ltd to help it commercialise tiny hydrogen sensors.
Falling sales and rising costs underpin subdued activity
Manufacturing production eased further in the June quarter 2006, as sales continued to decline and raw material costs rose sharply, according to The Australian Industry Group ...
Consequences of Government allowing jobs to go offshore
The Howard Government is the only Government in the western world not investing in its own manufacturing sector, and the statements by the Federal Government’s chief economic advisor ...
University of Queensland to help develop new photoresists
SEMATECH and the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) will collaborate in a project that aims to develop new resists for 193 nm immersion lithography, an emerging technology ...
Nanotechnology expert analysis: huge impacts on future
The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) has announced the continuation of its first series of original essays in which industry experts predict profound impacts of nanotechnology ...
Major report released on the future of manufacturing
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) has released the most extensive study conducted into the future of the manufacturing sector in Australia in almost a decade.
Future computer chips likely to be cooled with nanofluid
"This is the next generation of cooling devices," Dr. Hongbin Ma tells PhysOrg.com. With a group of students at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and colleagues at Argonne National ...
Benefits of three-panel liquid crystal display technology
Leading projector manufacturers Fujitsu, Hitachi, Panasonic, Sanyo and Sony have joined Forces with Epson to educate the market about the benefits of three-panel liquid crystal ...
A new approach to refractory installation for channel furnace inductors
Dry vibratable refractories are used extensively for the working linings of many molten metal contract and containment applications. For refractory installation, the electric tamper ...
Proof that Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) works for SMEs
There is a perception in some quarters that the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) program is not suited to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). In this article we examine ...
Getting the lead out of electronics
Toss one old cell phone into the trash and the amount of lead in the neighbourhood landfill has not increased much. Toss millions of mobile phones, televisions, computer monitors, ...
Clean energy future  12/7/2005
Clean energy future
WWF-Australia's Clean Energy Future for Australia study outlines how Australia can meet its electricity needs through a combination of wind, biomass, natural gas and greater energy ...
Lighting control saves Coca-Cola Amatil energy
Coca-Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd, a member of the Greenhouse Challenge since 1999, has successfully introduced a series of lighting measures to cut energy use and reduce greenhouse ...
Holden and CSIRO Develop Next Generation Hybrid Powered Cars
CSIRO will work with Holden developing energy management control systems which integrate supercapacitors and advanced batteries for the next generation of hybrid powered vehicles.
Aust manufacturers must master complexity or perish
Deloitte's Global Managing Director of Manufacturing Industries, Gary Coleman has said that driving sustainable, profitable revenue growth is the top priority for manufacturing ...
Solving Australia's energy dilemma
Australia needs vast amounts of new, low-cost, clean energy to sustain growth. A $15m national research flagship program is setting out to create it.
How fuel cells work  10/31/2005
How fuel cells work
Australian fuel cells by example are of course the consumers of the new clean fuel called hydrogen. The Pem fuel cell (PEM) is the main type of fuel cell which has made considerable ...
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