Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Manufacturing forecast for 07, predicts slightly better yr
A weakening in demand, coupled with the drought and other supply shortages, has contributed to slower growth in Australia's manufacturing industry in January, with The Australian ...
Australian exporters see globalisation as an opportunity not a threat
Globalisation causes anxiety in some quarters. From the protests against the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the ‘battle for Seattle’ in 1999 to the anti-G20 activities last year, ...
Australian manufacturing starts off the New Year on softer note
A weakening in demand, coupled with the drought and other supply shortages, has contributed to slower growth in Australia's manufacturing industry in January, with The Australian ...
10 simple goal-setting tips to make sure 2007 is your best year yet
No.1: Reflect on the activities of 2006 and what, how and why you want to do some things better or differently in 2007. Revisit your business plan and see where the business is now ...
New yardstick has been designed to measure GI claims inside food
In a world first, a new Australian Standard designed to measure the glycemic index (GI) of foods, released recently, will play an important role in ensuring nutrition and health ...
With trade, which markets matter the most to Australian exporters
When it comes to trade most of the news is "big picture". We hear about the Doha round in the World Trade Organization (WTO), APEC summits and in more recent years, bilateral and ...
Large Organisations revise IT spending forecasts to 2.8% Growth
Organisations with more than $1 billion in revenue have reforecast their IT spending increase for 2007 to 2.8 percent, according to a new Gartner Consulting Worldwide IT Benchmark ...
Survey finds that manufacturing activity picked up in December
Growth in Australia's manufacturing activity picked up in the December quarter 2006, albeit from a low base.
FTA with Japan provides opportunity to broaden two-way trade
Ai Group Chief Executive Heather Ridout has welcomed the joint announcement by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Australian Prime Minister John Howard to commence negotiations ...
Domestic sugar levy has been abolished to boost manufacturing
The domestic sugar levy, which was originally introduced on 1 January 2003 to partly fund the Sugar Industry Reform Programme, has been abolished.
Indonesia’s recovery has meant stronger links with Australia
1997 was the year of living dangerously – economically speaking – in Indonesia. Indonesia was one of the major skittles to fall during the Asian financial crisis, with institutional ...
Plant sterols and formulated beverages have now been approved
Two new food standards are now law. The first standard will allow Australians and New Zealanders to have access to a range of foods enriched with plant sterols. The second standard ...
Manufacturing growth in October eases amid patchy demand
Growth in Australia's manufacturing activity slowed in October, reflecting mixed domestic demand, marginally weaker export growth and intense import competition.
New inspection programme introduced for abbattoirs
Concerns about the number of injuries in abattoirs have prompted WorkSafe to launch an inspection program in the industry.
Moderate but mixed manufacturing growth continues in Sept
Australia's manufacturing sector continued to grow moderately in September, with The Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index® ...
Manufacturing activity picks up, but remains mixed overall
Australia's manufacturing sector grew moderately in August, underpinned by a lift in domestic demand and exports. Nevertheless, the overall performance was mixed, with input cost ...
Investigating molecular structure of foods to improve safety
Under an agreement signed between the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and CSIRO, scientists will seek to determine the molecular structure of the foods ...
Call comes for food and beverage sectors to export to China
Austrade’s Chief Economist Tim Harcourt is calling for Australia’s food and beverage sectors to actively pursue China as an export market, following the release of statistics that ...
Biotech firm seeks official approval to contaminate food crops
Concern is mounting that Food Standards Australia New Zealand are being pressured by international biotech companies to officially approve contamination of food with GE crops designed ...
Australian businesses get to show classy side in Shanghai
With Australia’s exports of the finer things in life to China increasing dramatically over the past five years, Austrade is now calling for businesses to be a part of this evolution ...
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