Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Weaker exports fail to dampen growth in Aust manufacturing
Manufacturing growth picked up solidly in December with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) rising ...
Trans-Tasman collaboration has new business opportunities
Business opportunities are emerging for new wheat varieties being developed under the AUSGRAINZ alliance between the CSIRO Plant Industry and New Zealand’s Crop & Food Research.
As good as it gets, or will US market forces get the nod in 08
In looking at the global economy in 2008, there is both good news and bad news to report. Source: Tim Harcourt.
Austrade's chief economist outlines keys to economic prosperity
Tim Harcourt, Austrade’s Chief Economist, recently outlined why Australia is well positioned to compete globally going forward, how economic reform has assisted in elevating Australia ...
New energy powers for industry to safeguard consumers
Laws providing better security of Western Australia’s energy supplies and stricter enforcement of safety standards have been passed by State Parliament.
NSW Opposition OH&S bill is reminder of need for reforms
The decision of the NSW Opposition to introduce into the NSW Parliament an OH&S Bill that mirrors the John Della Bosca Bill released by the Government in 2006 is a reminder that NSW ...
Rudd Ministry is balance of fresh faces and old hands
"The new Rudd Ministry is a strong team with depth and talent and a balance between fresh faces and old hands," Australian Industry Group Chief Executive Heather Ridout has said.
5 fast food employers charged for illegally employing children
A further five employers from the fast food industry have faced the Perth Industrial Magistrate's Court for allegedly breaching the Children in Employment laws contained in the ...
Biodiesel can reduce greenhouse emissions :CSIRO
A CSIRO report confirms that using pure biodiesel or blending biodiesel with standard fuel could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector.
Nomination called for mine safety inspector in Pilbara region
Western Australia, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, needs a new Karratha-based Employees Inspector of Mines to work as a safety professional.
Workplace proposals will increase workforce participation
Proposals to provide access to grandparents leave, options to extend annual leave and entitlement to parental leave are all approaches which will help to improve workforce participation ...
Which markets matter most to Aussie exporters?
When it comes to trade most of the news is ‘big picture’. We hear about the Doha round in the World Trade Organization (WTO), and this year we heard a lot about APEC as Sydney hosted ...
Rate rise is a big decision with big implications for industry
"The decision by the Reserve Bank to lift official interest rates is a big decision, which has big implications for large sections of Australian industry and for domestic policy ...
RBA has big responsibility to fight inflation first :Business
NSW’s largest business organisation, NSW Business Chamber, says it expects the Reserve Bank to fulfil its obligations to act independently and to ignore the current election campaign. ...
WA businesses reminded on cyclone contingency plans
WA’s cyclone season has officially begun, and businesses throughout the north-west of the State have been reminded to ensure contingency plans are established and in operation.
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New laws aim to lower injury toll in WA construction sector
Over the past 20 years, on average three Western Australian construction workers have died each year in work-related incidents.
WorkCover reforms good for both employees and business
"The WorkCover premium cuts and reforms announced by Premier Morris Iemma will deliver a welcome reduction in business costs in NSW," Australian Industry Group NSW Director Mark ...
Aust aims to blitz China with exports to boost food industry
A huge blitz to raise the profile of Australia’s food and beverages in China by Austrade, the Australian Government’s export development agency, will be boosted by representation at ...
Govt launches new clean technologies fund for business
Investment in clean technologies, such as renewable energy and water purification will be significantly increased with the Cleantech Australia Fund opening for business.
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