Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Resources not the only underground exports from WA
While Western Australia’s resources sector continues to drive exports, one company from the West is finding new markets for their “Black Gold” in the United States.
PMI: Manufacturing activity was stronger during July
Australia's manufacturing activity lifted in July, underpinned by stronger domestic demand, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of ...
Huge things in pipeline for future nanotechnology in Aust
Australia's nanotechnology is expecting further growth with the establishment of a $21.5 million (US$17.8 million) National Nanotechnology Strategy, announced by Prime Minister John ...
Govt has agreed to grants to fund gourmet food production
Gourmet food production in regional Australia has been further strengthened, with the Government announcing $2.3 million in grants for food processing projects.
Huge things are planned for future nanotech in Australia
Australia's nanotechnology is expecting further growth with the establishment of a $21.5 million (US$17.8 million) National Nanotechnology Strategy, announced by Prime Minister John ...
Sth Korea is Aust's third most important export destination
"Australia and South Korea go back a long way. In 1989, as the cold war drew to a close, there were fears that the world was potentially breaking into trading blocs based on the ...
Services sector activity strengthens further in May :Aust PSI
Australia's services sector strengthened further in May,underpinned by record levels of consumer confidence, with The Australian Industry Group - Commonwealth Bank Performance of ...
Organics business plan the most natural path to success
The Organics Federation of Australia (OFA) is setting a new direction by improving market opportunities through better management and communication planning.
CSIRO scraps research program: Blow for organic farmers
"The Biological Farmers of Australia is deeply concerned that CSIRO has decided to scrap the work of Dr Maarten Stapper an agronomist within CSIRO Plant Industry...."
Govt delivers smart budget that hits all the right targets :Ai
"The Federal Government has set out to prove the adage that good policy can be good politics by delivering a smart budget that hits the right targets," Ai Group Chief Executive ...
Work starts on the making of a new organic food standard
Work will commence in May on a new Australian Standard for organic food produce - Australia's first domestic Standard to have widespread industry, consumer and government support.
Govt's proactive industry statement good for business
"The Government's Global Integration initiative released by the Prime Minister in Sydney is an innovative approach that responds to the challenges and opportunities of ongoing ...
Minister calls on business to exhaust local workforce option
Small Business Minister Margaret Quirk has called on the Western Australian meat industry to support the Carpenter Government's efforts to promote the job prospects of Australian ...
Aust tertiary students urged to consider global opportunities
The Australian Government is advancing the nation’s exporting future with the launch of the 2007 Austrade Export Plan Competition for tertiary students.
Exporting in Aust: the Productivity puzzle’s missing piece
There has been a lot of talk about productivity and how Australian fares in the productivity stakes. Source: Tim Harcourt, chief economist of Austrade.
Aust signs world wine trade agreement on wine labelling
Australia's wine industry is set to become even more competitive following the signing of the World Wine Trade Group's Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labelling.
Truss congratulates Aust business on £2 bln agreement
Australian Government Minister for Trade, Warren Truss, congratulated WA-based Global Renewables and Sydney partner Bovis Lend Lease on securing one of the largest and most significant ...
AIG pre-budget submission: ambitions for Aust prosperity
The Australian Industry Group has released details of its submission to the Federal Government outlining a range of proposals to be included in the May Budget.
Call to reassert NSW as an economic force in Australia
"The March NSW election provides an opportunity to forge a new compact between business and Government to lift economic growth in the State from current disappointing levels," says ...
Aust businesses urged to become “insiders” within China
One of the important factors for export success in China is to understand how the market works ‘on-the-ground’ according to newly appointed Country Manager of the Austrade network’s ...
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