Electrical & Power Generation Equipment Feature Articles

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Aust govt provides more funding for manufacturing
John Howard: "I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government will provide $1.225 million over four years for the continuation of the Northern Advanced Manufacturing Industry ...
South Korea a well established path to the Asian market
The Republic of Korea (known less formally as South Korea) is often overlooked as a bilateral trade partner.
PMI: Manufacturing activity was stronger during July
Australia's manufacturing activity lifted in July, underpinned by stronger domestic demand, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of ...
Huge things in pipeline for future nanotechnology in Aust
Australia's nanotechnology is expecting further growth with the establishment of a $21.5 million (US$17.8 million) National Nanotechnology Strategy, announced by Prime Minister John ...
Inorganic printed electronics a great opportunithy for future
The future $300 billion market for printed electronics is emerging via thin film electronics.
Huge things are planned for future nanotech in Australia
Australia's nanotechnology is expecting further growth with the establishment of a $21.5 million (US$17.8 million) National Nanotechnology Strategy, announced by Prime Minister John ...
Strong Aussie dollar is failing to deter exporters - Survey
Despite a rising Australian dollar and high fuel prices, Australian exporters remain confident about the future, especially those exporting to Europe with 65 per cent of those surveyed ...
Strong dollar hurts prospects for manufacturing exports
An important new study released by the Australian Industry Group highlights the strong contribution that Australian manufacturing makes to our export effort - a point that was made ...
Govt delivers smart budget that hits all the right targets :Ai
"The Federal Government has set out to prove the adage that good policy can be good politics by delivering a smart budget that hits the right targets," Ai Group Chief Executive ...
Nanotech theory provides thermoelectricity with new glow
Gang Chen's research with nano-scale materials gave him a head start in the field of nanotechnology when it was still brand new.
Govt's proactive industry statement good for business
"The Government's Global Integration initiative released by the Prime Minister in Sydney is an innovative approach that responds to the challenges and opportunities of ongoing ...
Fair Work Australia - serious questions asked about viability
"There are serious questions about the viability of the ALP's Fair Work Australia proposal," Australian Industry Group Chief Executive Heather Ridout has said.
New kits to revitalise teaching of science in the classroom
The Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) is arming teachers with new tools to revitalise their teaching of science in the classrooms.
Plastic solar cell efficiency breaks new nanotech record
Efficient plastic solar cells are extremely desirable because they are inexpensive and light weight, especially in comparison to traditional silicon solar panels.
Exporting in Aust: the Productivity puzzle’s missing piece
There has been a lot of talk about productivity and how Australian fares in the productivity stakes. Source: Tim Harcourt, chief economist of Austrade.
Boeing to test European-built fuel cell demonstrator plane
In an effort to develop environmentally progressive technologies for aerospace applications, Boeing researchers and industry partners throughout Europe plan to conduct experimental ...
Call for faster, smarter and much higher trade outcomes
"The Australian Industry Group welcomes the approach to apprenticeships outlined recently the National Press Club by the Minister for Vocational and Further Education, Andrew Robb," ...
Reminder on need for RCDs with hand-held electrical tools
WorkSafe has issued a reminder to workplaces that residual current devices (RCDs) need to be fitted to electrical circuits wherever hand-held electrical tools are to be used.
AIG pre-budget submission: ambitions for Aust prosperity
The Australian Industry Group has released details of its submission to the Federal Government outlining a range of proposals to be included in the May Budget.
Call to reassert NSW as an economic force in Australia
"The March NSW election provides an opportunity to forge a new compact between business and Government to lift economic growth in the State from current disappointing levels," says ...
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