Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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Aust govt provides more funding for manufacturing
John Howard: "I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government will provide $1.225 million over four years for the continuation of the Northern Advanced Manufacturing Industry ...
$400 mln commitment to low emissions coal technologies
NSW coal producers will voluntarily make up to $400 million available over the next decade to support important clean coal technology demonstration projects in NSW.
Huge things in pipeline for future nanotechnology in Aust
Australia's nanotechnology is expecting further growth with the establishment of a $21.5 million (US$17.8 million) National Nanotechnology Strategy, announced by Prime Minister John ...
Western Australia is experiencing substantial boom in growth
"I was in the Wild West recently, speaking at a Mining conference in Perth and taking a look around at the Sandgroper state", according to Tim Harcourt.
Govt delivers smart budget that hits all the right targets :Ai
"The Federal Government has set out to prove the adage that good policy can be good politics by delivering a smart budget that hits the right targets," Ai Group Chief Executive ...
National Reform Agenda: Good deal for a better federation
"Industry will be looking to this week's COAG meeting for decisive breakthroughs in advancing the National Reform Agenda (NRA)," said Australian Industry Group chief executive Heather ...
NSW Chamber of Commerce welcomes new cabinet
Premier Morris Iemma's announcement of a new cabinet has been welcomed by Patricia Forsythe, executive director of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce.
Call to reassert NSW as an economic force in Australia
"The March NSW election provides an opportunity to forge a new compact between business and Government to lift economic growth in the State from current disappointing levels," says ...
10 simple goal-setting tips to make sure 2007 is your best year yet
No.1: Reflect on the activities of 2006 and what, how and why you want to do some things better or differently in 2007. Revisit your business plan and see where the business is now ...
With trade, which markets matter the most to Australian exporters
When it comes to trade most of the news is "big picture". We hear about the Doha round in the World Trade Organization (WTO), APEC summits and in more recent years, bilateral and ...
Many manufacturers implement RFID for process improvement
New research reveals details of tremendous variety of process changes being made by manufacturers using RFID.
Business releases report card on NSW Government performance
NSW’s largest business organisation Australian Business Limited (incorporating the State Chamber of Commerce) has released a Report Card on the economic performance of the Iemma ...
NSW new plan: wide-ranging and ambitious - as far as it goes
The NSW Government's plan 'A new direction for NSW', is wide-ranging and ambitious and will be well received by the community, according to Heather Ridout, the Chief Executive of ...
4 Case Studies of Mobility Filed Service Management Solutions
Come and hear about four case studies on different Mobility Solutions deployed in the field by Australian businesses.
The current state of RFID in New Zealand and Australia
The global use of RFID is increasing very rapidly from a US$2.7 billion business in 2006 to over $26 billion in 2016. As an enabling technology, it is already being widely used, ...
NZ company receives grant to develop hydrogen sensors
A $582,000 Government grant has been awarded to Christchurch company Nano Cluster Devices Ltd to help it commercialise tiny hydrogen sensors.
Future cars will be lighter – but just as strong
Future cars will be far lighter – but just as strong – through new advances in a casting process that uses super lightweight magnesium alloys.
Queensland budget should focus on industry competitiveness
The Australian Industry Group has urged Queensland Premier Peter Beattie to boost spending on road transport infrastructure in the state's 2006/07 Budget, using a modest increase in ...
Northern Territory development opportunities
Large-scale development projects have the potential to create far-reaching impacts on the Northern Territory economy and significant new and expanded manufacturing opportunities for ...
Holden and CSIRO Develop Next Generation Hybrid Powered Cars
CSIRO will work with Holden developing energy management control systems which integrate supercapacitors and advanced batteries for the next generation of hybrid powered vehicles.
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