Hydraulic & Pneumatic Equipment Feature Articles

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Manufacturing confidence surges due to strong performance
Australia's manufacturers have started the new year with a surge of confidence after a sharp jump in the March quarter across a range of measures of performance in the Australian ...
Dubbo rare metals and rare earths mine an economic boon
Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy, Anthony Roberts, recently announced that a billion dollar project in the State's central west to mine rare metals and rare earths has ...
Strategic Noise Management Tips for Mining Sites
Bulldozers, scrapers, trucks, excavators, draglines, conveyors, not to mention blasting; mines dig up more ways to assault our senses than most industries.
Australian Chamber welcomes historic agreement on climate change
The global agreement on climate change at the COP21 meeting in Paris was welcomed by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 14 December 2015 as a pragmatic and positive ...
Innovative entrepreneurs set to drive Australia's economy
A report released on 25 November 2015 by the Australian Government highlights the key role innovative entrepreneurship needs to play in transforming the nation's economy.
What are the manufacturing jobs of the future?
In an earlier article we discussed whether your next manufacturing employee should be a robot.
Anti-dumping reforms to help Australian industry
Reforms to Australia's anti-dumping system effective from 2 November 2015 will level the playing field for Australian manufacturers and producers.
Why stepping outside your comfort zone is the key to growth
Well, you could start by asking one of the most successful businesspeople in the world today, Richard Branson. He believes that far too many businesses aren't prepared to take ...
Best practices for maintenance supervisors
Question: who has the biggest impact on the reliability of your manufacturing production? Is it the machine operators? Is it the workers feeding the line? Or is it the people upstairs ...
Why hiring the best person beats hiring the best resume
"Well, they looked good on paper." If you've ever said that about a recruitment misjudgement you're far from alone. Resumes are designed to make candidates look good; they're ...
$15 million to support drought-stricken QLD farmers deal with pests
The Australian and Queensland governments are inviting applications for pest control programs in drought affected areas as part of a joint $15 million commitment to tackle pest weeds ...
How to buy a cost effective and efficient CNC milling device
Milling is one of the most common processes used by industry and machine shops to cut and drill parts into precise, often intricate shapes and configurations. CNC, or computer ...
The importance of adequate competition for the east coast gas market
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman Rod Sims shared some early insights from the ACCC's inquiry into the east coast gas market in a speech to the Eastern Australia's ...
Futuristic alloys stronger than steel, yet malleable like chewing gum
UNSW researchers have created an 'instruction manual' for developing metallic glass – an ultra-tough yet flexible alloy described as the most significant materials science innovation ...
Forum highlights safety issues in WA mines
The Department of Mines and Petroleum's biannual inspectors forum brought together the entire Mines Safety Inspectorate to discuss the importance of continuing to improve safety in ...
4 Creative Job Perks That Cost You Little and Gain a Lot
The connotations of the word 'perk' seem to be as negative as they are positive these days. Yet there are genuine company perks that can make a big difference to staff morale, ...
Ai Group: VIC long service scheme may cost employers $4m per year
In a major submission to the Inquiry into Portability of Long Service Leave Entitlements for Victorian Workers, the Australian Industry Group has demonstrated that a portable long ...
Gulf water move paves way for North QLD growth & jobs
Remote Gulf communities are set to get a jobs boost as the Palaszczuk Government announces the release of thousands of megalitres of water.
6 Tips for Employing a Customer Loyalty Program That Works
If all our customers had the sort of loyalty a dog has for his master we'd have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately customer loyalty is as fickle as fashion and as reliable as the ...
How to build excellence into your operational maintenance program
Excellence is a great word. It's a word worth using in every aspect of your business and something you should strive for in everything you do. That includes all aspects of maintenance. ...
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