Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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Ragazzini Peristaltic Pumps clean up Bathurst Water Treatment Plant
Bathurst Water Treatment Plant has found savings in maintenance time and cost by investing in two Ragazzini Peristaltic Pumps. Hose replacements are cleaner and faster than the ...
The Ongoing Drought in Australia: what it means for you
The ongoing drought in Australia: what it means for you, and what you can do about it.
Do you want to have your cake and eat it too? Install a rainwater tank!
Water conservation has been a hot topic high on the agenda for some time now, particularly with the record-breaking scorching summer that we have just left behind us.
The foundation of life – Rainwater Harvesting Throughout History
Bushman Tanks prides itself on its comprehensive range of rainwater tanks and accessories for rainwater harvesting.
What does a spill kit do?
Spill Station spill kits are designed to minimise the threat of harm to people, property and the environment in the event of a liquid spill.
How to safely deal with an industrial workplace spill
No matter your place of work, there is always the risk of being involved in an accident.
What are the three main types of spill kits?
Spills can happen at any workplace, it’s how you prepare for them that counts.
What is a spill kit used for?
If you work in an industry that regularly uses hazardous chemicals, oils, fuels and other hydrocarbons you must be prepared should one of those materials spill or leak.
WA Local Government Soil Stabilisation Project and Environmental Management
A local Government Shire in WA was having trouble with a non-wetting silty sand/gravel that was sourced locally to complete a 6km section of unsealed road. Betta Roads found the ...
North Bourke Abattior chooses Gorman Rupp pumps for their reliability and easy maintenance
Hydro Innovations was selected to supply reliable, easily maintained and safer operating pumps for a new Abottior in North Bourke recently.
China’s ban on waste imports set to affect the waste management sector
The Australian waste management sector has benefited from growing volumes of waste over the past five years.
Telemetry cuts the cost of leak detection
Albstadtwerke are a utility network distribution provider in southwest Germany supplying potable water, natural gas and electricity
Recycling plastics, the end product and what else can we do?
We all know the phrase Reduce, Re-use, Recycle - but what are the everyday practicalities of this in Australia? What are the final outcomes of recycling plastics? And then what else ...
Magnet solution helps council keep our beaches clean!
Recently, we were contacted by a City Council who needed a solution to help keep their beaches clean.
NSW significantly contaminated sites land management & assessment
The NSW Environment Protection Authority has reinforced recently that protection of human health and the environment are the priority on any decision to declare a site as significantly ...
Caltex Australia Petroleum receives record $400K fine for petrol spill
Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd has been convicted and ordered to pay $850,000 by the Land and Environment Court for a 2013 incident where 150,000 litres of unleaded petrol gushed ...
Welcome improvement to NSW Deposit Scheme rollout
Industry and environment groups have welcomed the change to the start date of the NSW Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) as good policy and congratulated the government on listening to ...
Why smart parks are a smart move
As 'smart cities' become larger and more complicated, cloud based technology plays an increasingly important role which parks management can now benefit from the using the same ...
We are wasting our industrial waste, says university
We are wasting our waste, particularly our industrial waste, University of Sydney chemical engineering experts advise.
EPA pilot program calls for reuse of construction & demolition waste
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is searching for organisations that can find new ways to make use of someone else's construction and demolition waste.
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