Automation & Control Feature Articles

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What does the future hold for robots?
The World Technology Evaluation Center has recently published a report based on its assesment of international research and development in robotics. This article explains the purpose ...
Lean manufacturing increases in popularity
In an effort to become more profitable and improve quality and customer satisfaction, many companies are turning to a manufacturing strategy based on high production throughput, high ...
Grinding out more business
The pioneer of boneless lean beef is taking the ground meat production to a new level with machinery never seen before. After 24 years of producing its unique lean beef trimmings, ...
Productivity Growth in Australian Manufacturing
There has been an ongoing debate in economic circles regarding the influence of technological change on economic growth. Thus recent studies have looked at a range of factors ...
The development of gripping technologies
A look at the development and application of gripper system technologies for robots and automated processes.
Proof that Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) works for SMEs
There is a perception in some quarters that the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) program is not suited to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). In this article we examine ...
2006 Predictions: Warranty and Quality Bleeding Continues
This Manufacturing Insights Perspective examines the trends in product warranty and quality functions and assesses the road ahead in 2006. Manufacturing Insights spoke with technology ...
How RFID improves the order-to-cash process
RFID improves shipping and order capture but not order routing and picking.
Lean Production:  the End of History?
One of the most influential books that have been published in recent years is the MIT study The Machine that Changed the World by Womack et al. (1990).
Lean Manufacturing: An Introduction
Lean manufacturing traces its origins to Toyota’s production model. Its tightly coupled and meticulously coordinated manufacturing system was designed to drive closer links between ...
What is Kanban?  11/24/2005
What is Kanban?
Kanban is often seen as a central element of lean manufacturing and is probably the most widely used type of 'Pull' signaling system. Kanban was derived from the Japanese language ...
Manufacturers turn to robots to increase competition
Robots and automation machinery are becoming increasingly popular in a diverse range of manufacturing industries these days, such as the meat and livestock business, to provide ...
Australia's automotive industry
The automotive industry is one of Australia’s key manufacturing sectors and an important source of employment, and research and development.
Retro robots meet future SABC needs
With marketing aims that could include anything from 6 packs to blocks of 30 cans, South Australian Brewing Company believe their only palletising option was through robotics.
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