Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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Vietnam and Aust enjoy a healthy exporting relationship
The Airport Economist hit the streets of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) recently and tried the Saigon Taxi driver test. You can mention a plethora of international household names and ...
NSW business conditions survey: business is more optimistic
The latest NSW Business Chamber Business Conditions Survey has confirmed that business conditions in NSW are rebounding from the lows of earlier this year.
Plan to boost Aust Industry participation is good policy
The Federal Government’s “Boosting Australian Industry Participation” plan announced by Industry Minister Kim Carr is good policy that supports Australian industry to be a more active ...
Local exports drive Port Botany container growth  in 08/09
Strong export growth has helped Sydney Ports record its eighth consecutive year of container trade increases, Sydney Ports Corporation Chief Executive Officer Grant Gilfillan has ...
Building Industry Bill needs amending or reforms could be lost
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and the Australian Constructors Association (ACA) are calling for a series of amendments to the Government’s building industry workplace ...
Korea and Australia build connections for women in business
Over one hundred Korean business women from 12 different countries and Australian business women shared international trade and investment insights at the Korean Women's International ...
ISO standard to ensure structures are not "gone with the wind"
A new International Standard, ISO 4354, Wind actions on structures, will help ensure the reliability of structures in areas exposed to strong winds and cyclones.
Ai Group works towards building a stronger Qld economy
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and QMI Solutions has announced their foundation partnership for the Queensland Government’s Toward Q2 - Tomorrow’s Queensland vision will ...
New green star framework to assess best practice for schemes
The GBCA has released a new Assessment Framework for Product Certification Schemes as part of its ongoing review of the Green Star environmental rating system for buildings.
Majority of govt's fair work industrial relations systems begin
Over 18 months in the making, the majority of the Government’s new industrial relations legislation has taken effect, 1 July 2009 - including new rules dealing with unfair dismissal, ...
Business heavyweights discuss improving Aust-UK trade
Australian and British business leaders will met in London recently to discuss ways of maximising the strong relationships between the two nations.
Manufacturing continues to weaken although decline eases
Manufacturing activity continued to weaken throughout June although the pace of decline eased slightly.
New ISO standard to promote approach for gas turbine safety
A new ISO standard addresses the major safety considerations to be taken into account when designing, packaging and installing gas turbine applications.
HIPS fireproof coatings can really cope with high levels of heat
Tough new fire-resistant coating materials called HIPS (‘hybrid inorganic polymer system’) are being developed by CSIRO researchers in Melbourne.
Advantages of keeping good business practice all year round
With the financial year-end looming CPA Australia has issued a reminder of the importance of good business practice for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) if they are to ride out ...
Property developers and big builders are winners in new laws
Big construction companies and property developers are crying crocodile tears over the new building industry watchdog that will benefit them at the expense of workers' rights, say ...
Workers Compensation package does nothing to help business
The Victorian Government’s new $90 million workers’ compensation package shows the Government has failed to take account of the impact on industry of the global economic and financial ...
Mid-West construction campaign reveals good OSH practices
A WorkSafe inspection program of construction sites in the Mid-West has revealed generally good standards in occupational safety and health management.
The national construction industry decline begins to slow down
The national construction industry continued to decline in May, although the rate of contraction was the slowest in the past fourteen months.
Sustainability must be 'front and centre' of school infrastructure
Australia's leading green building organisation has called on the Australian Government to ensure sustainability is 'front and centre' of any spending on school infrastructure.
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