Automation & Control Feature Articles

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Strong dollar hurts prospects for manufacturing exports
An important new study released by the Australian Industry Group highlights the strong contribution that Australian manufacturing makes to our export effort - a point that was made ...
Nanotech theory provides thermoelectricity with new glow
Gang Chen's research with nano-scale materials gave him a head start in the field of nanotechnology when it was still brand new.
Call for faster, smarter and much higher trade outcomes
"The Australian Industry Group welcomes the approach to apprenticeships outlined recently the National Press Club by the Minister for Vocational and Further Education, Andrew Robb," ...
AIG pre-budget submission: ambitions for Aust prosperity
The Australian Industry Group has released details of its submission to the Federal Government outlining a range of proposals to be included in the May Budget.
Aust businesses urged to become “insiders” within China
One of the important factors for export success in China is to understand how the market works ‘on-the-ground’ according to newly appointed Country Manager of the Austrade network’s ...
10 simple goal-setting tips to make sure 2007 is your best year yet
No.1: Reflect on the activities of 2006 and what, how and why you want to do some things better or differently in 2007. Revisit your business plan and see where the business is now ...
New tools enable robotic machining
Industrial robots are increasingly being deployed into machining operations with the aid of specialist tools to provide a very flexible, low cost machining centre with large work ...
Large Organisations revise IT spending forecasts to 2.8% Growth
Organisations with more than $1 billion in revenue have reforecast their IT spending increase for 2007 to 2.8 percent, according to a new Gartner Consulting Worldwide IT Benchmark ...
Many manufacturers implement RFID for process improvement
New research reveals details of tremendous variety of process changes being made by manufacturers using RFID.
NSW new plan: wide-ranging and ambitious - as far as it goes
The NSW Government's plan 'A new direction for NSW', is wide-ranging and ambitious and will be well received by the community, according to Heather Ridout, the Chief Executive of ...
Manufacturing activity picks up, but remains mixed overall
Australia's manufacturing sector grew moderately in August, underpinned by a lift in domestic demand and exports. Nevertheless, the overall performance was mixed, with input cost ...
The current state of RFID in New Zealand and Australia
The global use of RFID is increasing very rapidly from a US$2.7 billion business in 2006 to over $26 billion in 2016. As an enabling technology, it is already being widely used, ...
Falling sales and rising costs underpin subdued activity
Manufacturing production eased further in the June quarter 2006, as sales continued to decline and raw material costs rose sharply, according to The Australian Industry Group ...
Consequences of Government allowing jobs to go offshore
The Howard Government is the only Government in the western world not investing in its own manufacturing sector, and the statements by the Federal Government’s chief economic advisor ...
Mini sensors to help in the fight against corrosion
Tiny and often tucked away in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, a novel array of sensors is poised to change the costly and resource-intensive process of fighting corrosion in ...
Turning noise into dollars
Australian scientists are helping to build a profitable new industry which turns 'noise' into money.
Intelligent vacuum gripper systems
Unigripper is an intelligent vacuum gripper system that incoporates unique, patented technology which can automatically sense the load and apply vacUum only where it is needed.
Experts outline China risks
Australian businesses should wait a year before setting up business in China, one of the world's leading experts on the Chinese economy told Ai Group's Economy 2006 Forum.
Machinery and tooling in Australia is world class
Machinery is produced in Australia and exported for a range of applications including agriculture, mining, scientific research, food processing, material handling, heating and cooling. ...
Automating the finishing processes of manufactured parts
A look at the development of compliant force technologies for automating the finishing processes of manufactured parts.
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