Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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Rudd Govt must guarantee jobs for mature aged workers
The Rudd Government must take urgent steps to protect the jobs and skills of mature age Australian workers in the interest of the long-term future of the nation’s construction ...
Contractors provide new guidance for the construction industry
The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) has released an Industry Discussion Paper to provide guidance to construction industry organisations with a reporting obligation under ...
CFMEU feels strongly that jobs and investment still come first
The CFMEU’s position regarding the ABCC remains unchanged. Its opposition to coercive powers is fundamental.
Follow five important business processes that can drive success
Business processes are the flows of activities that get things done in your business. Once processes are identified and measured, you can automate, streamline and even redesign them ...
Reports underline the resilience of Australia's financial markets
Austrade has launched its 2009 Financial Services Benchmark Report in conjunction with the Australian Financial Markets Association's (AFMA) 2009 Australian Financial Markets Report ...
Make better sales conversion and cut waste through measuring
For better sales conversion, you must eliminate waste. It is easy to waste too much time and money trying to convert customers and waste revenue from failing to convert customers.
Construction resumes growth as house building improves
The national construction industry returned to modest growth in September 2009 following 18 months of contraction driven largely by stronger demand in the house building sector, ...
New Asia Pacific Network encourages green building to take off
Bob McMullan MP, Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, launched the new Asia Pacific Green Building Network in Melbourne recently as part of World Green ...
Report will contribute to making escape from buildings easier
A new ISO technical report on how people behave when fire breaks out will help in designing safer buildings that make escape easier and reduce exposure to flames and heat.
WorkSafe inspection campaign takes look at tilt-up construction
WorkSafe will begin an inspection campaign soon to look at safety standards in the tilt-up construction industry.
September Australian PMI®: Manufacturing holds on to its gain
Manufacturing held on to its gains in September with activity expanding for the second consecutive month according to the latest Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers ...
CSIRO research focuses on new manufacturing breakthroughs
Flexible plastic solar cells that can be printed like money, carbon fibres so thin they can be spun into yarns and a raft of new biomedical products to combating illness and injury ...
Need to abolish coercive powers in building and construction
Unions have welcomed the recognition by a Senate committee that there is no place for coercive powers in any workplace and that all workers should be subject to the same laws.
NSW needs long term reform to drive down unemployment
NSW’s leading business organisation, NSW Business Chamber said the latest ABS labour force data that shows NSW’s unemployment rate is still above the national average should only ...
Australian PCI®: Pace of decline eases in construction industry
The national construction industry continued to decline in August, although the rate of contraction was less marked than the previous month with the seasonally adjusted Australian ...
Best practice guides an aid to improved workplace relations
The benefits of family-friendly workplaces, gender pay equity and good faith bargaining are among the issues canvassed in a series of new guidelines to help small to medium-size ...
Lifting literacy and numeracy in workplace delivers productivity
"National Literacy and Numeracy Week, which started on August 31st, is an opportunity to highlight the big productivity gains that can come from lifting literacy and numeracy levels ...
Renewable energy target supported by green building industry
Australia's leading green building organisation called on both sides of politics to support the speedy passage of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) Bill through the Senate this month. ...
Putting green back into the green and gold through exporting
Imagine a country that is inward looking and rarely notices the world beyond its own borders. Source: Tim Harcourt, Austrade.
Construction industry faces jobs crisis – says Access Economics
The CFMEU Construction Union has called on the Rudd Government to develop a crisis industry plan for the building industry, in the wake of an independent report predicting massive ...
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